The meanest snowflake is pissed off

It took me a minute to see the time stamp. I was hoping that was an admittance of defeat from Don the Con. The only thought that keeps me warm at night is knowing he will go on the rest of his days as The Worst Living President, hopefully removed from office in disgrace.

Let us all rejoice, but do not forget this bill failed, in large part, because IT WASN’T CRUEL ENOUGH to suit the needs of the far-right Freedumb Caucus nutjobs.

My money’s on Flynn having already flipped for the FBI, and now they’re all scrambling to get whatever deals they can—if you’re the first to testify to the House it’s probably going to look better than if you were the last.

“not even on our radar screen... 50-100 more years away.”

Are the Freelancers really supporting him, or do they just care about getting paid? I assume this was another video-for-pay for them.

They legit like where they come from, which for a Michigander is a pretty rare thing. lol

Just to be clear, I wasn’t saying you were wrong for calling it a story. But you wrote a longer explanation for this than the original story, which is more than Oli Coleman deserved for this.

They were just on Channel 955 this morning and I was like “Aww our Hometown heroes.” They met at a Red Wings game in LA, how adorbs.

I too think Kristen Bell seems super normal. She’s like your friend in high school that had severe anxiety and covers up for it by learning to be charming and that somehow crosses over into occasionally awkward oversharing (like every theater kid I was friends with). I get a similar vibe from Anne Hathaway and like

I like Dax and Kristen, though. :( Mostly because they are my hometown couple so you are kinda required to root for them. But also because at least Kristen seems normal(ish) and not a dick?

“88-words” or “story”

Let’s just call her Mayella Ewell from here on out.

Great! So she’s already a hit with white nationalists, now that it’s a hoax she’ll be the latest star of the alt-right and their gang of fucking MRA neckbeards because all women are lying whores who want to falsely accuse you of rape. Swell!

I’ve never understood the compulsion to lie about being sexually assaulted, especially when it involves such elaborate set-up work as it does here.

No to play Captain Obvious here, but that person who said you deserved getting your breast twisted for talking to the guy? That person is not your friend.

I feel you. Why is it that we get harassed and assaulted and then we feel like the guilty party?

For me, there’s also a bit of guilt associated with vigilance. A few weeks ago a male friend grabbed my ass without my consent after saying a few inappropriate things to me. I know I’m going to feel bad when I come up with an excuse not to see him the next time he’s in town, that *I’m* going to feel like the heavy for

ok so who are these people ruining their clothes in the laundry? I’ve been doing my laundry since high school and can honestly say I’ve literally never ruined anything in the wash.