
If I costarred with Helen Mirren, I would not be surprised if she got paid more than me.


NPC:Error Code 1613

His show Girls got cancelled last year so you should be safe.

Not according to Kathy Griffin

Namor just going 200% total asshole was easily the best part of Secret Wars.

He’s the first mutant in the MU, as well as a surface human/atlantean hybrid.
He can live underwater, on land, and in the air.

He’s just that cool.

AV Club is putting their franchise fawning into the memory hole it looks like.

Don’t forget cringey SNL tribute-raps.

lmao @ lionizing shitty decision making

One nuked filibuster coming up.

lmao Blitzer got his ass handed to him.

Guess who turned out to be the sniveling little bitch.

The what?

Guess who folded when it was all said and done.

Oh noooooooo

Almost as desperate as a dude that has to mentally reconcile that Trump has now fulfilled more of Obama’s campaign promises than Obama. That would be pretty pathetic.

Since all these “wars” were not formally voted on or declared by Congress and instead initiated by executive order by the sitting President at the time, Trump is correct when he believes he can and should just say “make it so” to rescind the wars. Because that is how they were made in the first place.

So you’re saying we should ignore Trump’s statements and actions towards a non-interventionist America in favor of hypothetical forms of aggression like “Hiring John Bolton”.

With such reasoning abilities it’s no wonder why Nobel Peace Laureate Barack “Hope” Obama went on to initiate five new wars while continuuing the

Where’s Hamilton Nolan on this article?

Where’s Hamilton Nolan on this article?