Welcome To The Midwest

I know right? Its like, who are you and what have you done with Tony Abbott?

Ok - I'm thinking surname is a colour & I'm wearing rabbit ears LOL!

Yeah, it’d be one thing if she was asking for donations or something like that, but I think the baby’s father’s family bankrolls a lot — he’s not in the picture but his mother and a few others are. MBP is a hard one to tackle because if the child is not removed from the parent’s care immediately, having it called out

Same here. My mother died from ovarian cancer in 2009 and my dad is a colon cancer survivor. What they both went through was borderline horrific. So fuck this gal right in the face.

An ex-friend of mine pretended she had cancer. She went to South America and was miraculously cured by a holistic shaman. I haven’t spoken to her, but I forgive her because I think she’s psychotic.

As someone who has lost three close family members to cancer (use sunscreen and don’t smoke, kids), I think she should be forced to work in a cancer ward to see just what exactly she was trying to emulate and what the friends and family of the patient goes through when they think their loved one has terminal cancer.

A girl did this in my high school. She made me feel bad because i sad something like “what, do you have cancer or something?” sarcastically when she was acting all glum. I told her then she was an asshole for trying to make me feel guilty for something i could not have possibly known about and everyone thought I was a

This is what kills me about these “Christian” business owners. A photographer/baker/florist/DJ/venue/caterer could easily avoid booking a gay wedding* or whatever else makes them feel morally uncomfortable (ugh)—EASILY—by just saying “Sorry, looks like we’re already booked that weekend.” Done. That would be the end of

Unfortunate image of Crystal O'Connor via ABC 57.

I want this to be my wedding. I'd even take the blood.

Yay Vegas weddings (Little Chapel of the Flowers for us)! Please tell me Britteny Spears groped your husband.

My friend insisted that it was fine to have the edges of the dance floor lined with actual candles. On the floor. Where people were dancing. Her dress did catch on fire but it was easily extinguished, since we were right next to the tables full of liquids and it was put out immediately. She's the kind that cannot be

lmao! this should be tagged NSFL: Not Safe For Lunch

Sounds like true love to me!! Love this story!

You IDGAF attitude about this whole scenario makes this story a winner for me!

Thankfully this was *before* I got ready, but it was humiliating. I was a ball of nerves on my wedding day (aren't we all?) and had only coffee in my system during my hair appointment. One of my bridesmaids drove with me to my parents' house where I was getting ready, and I let one slip. Only it wasn't just a cute

Not even terrible but (entire story NSFW)......Two days before my wedding, I got my period. My period is usually fairly well behaved- first day heavy, tapers off fairly quickly, lasts about 4 days total, move on with life. Not this time. We arrived in Vegas (Vegas wedding for the win) and had sex which made our hotel

For my wedding I had decided to have the center aisle lined with ivory silk rose petals and brass lanterns containing electric (thank God) candles. I tasked my dad with placing the lanterns, telling him to leave room for us to walk. Apparently he didn't take my dress in to account. As I started down the aisle, I

My zipper broke during pictures, half an hour before the ceremony. So the moms had to sew me into it. My husband had to cut the zipper off later. (Not in like a sexy way, like in a "we have to get up at 4 am and still have shit to do" way.)