Milton Berle's Half Black Cock

You still don’t get it. Bye troll.

Huh. And you still have a lot more to learn.

No. Outing a gay man for no reason other than one “writer’s” need for salacious copy is being aggressive. You’re just a lonely troll.

Yes, troll. You’re exactly right. Don’t you have friends in real life to pointlessly argue with?

If you don’t understand why Jordan Sargeant and Gawker were wrong, then you’re beyond talking to.

It’s a blog when it’s convenient for you.

Because real journalists don’t out gay men simply because they think it’s fun.

Where is Jordan Sargeant?

Bad Photoshop deserves nothing.

Maybe he should have outed a gay man on his car. Would that have been better?

Where’s Jordan Sargeant?

Age shaming. Proud of yourself, cunt?

“Do you guys feel at all bad/hypocritical...” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You obviously don’t read this site much.

The same reason people waste time on you, I presume.

What an utterly useless comment.

Funny how, despite all your public begging and pleading, no one thought to leak this information to Deadspin. You don’t even register with the bottom-feeders.

Yes. I’m sensitive to people who write unfunny jokes. You can go back to your child porn now.

Related: nobizness made a lazy fat joke. You should write for Gawker Media, you talking cock.

You really and truly aren’t funny, are you? I certainly hope that you have something else in your life besides this.

YOU are the one who has no idea about areal photography, but thanks for playing.