Carlitos the Fünfer

So wait hold on... ATCQ is playing but we don’t get a Phife Dawg tribute?...

In February, Portnow was asked to address talk of inclusion in the wake of the #OscarsSoWhite campaign. “The music community really is much more inclusive because of the nature of the collaborations,” Portnow argued.

Damn, right on cue. When I read that article, I knew you guys were right, but I didn’t think it would happen this soon.

There’s something about gearheads that makes pedantic discussions like this so popular. Or maybe it’s just commenters around here. I see it all the time.

(Just realized I dug up a 5 year old thread that got linked to another article, and I now feel a bit silly. I had a comment in here about how I don’t like your assumption that middle-class areas are any less crime-prone than low income areas. I couldn’t delete it. So you’re left with this little parenthetical note.

Maybe there’s a whole market for people shopping for Prius mirrors after theirs were stolen.

I started using Intellicast/Wunderground, but then I found out that TWC owns both of those too. I might try NWS!


Costa Rica.

She ended up deleting the tweet, right on cue.

It’s like you’ve never even heard of Tom Clancy...

White House Welcomes Special Guest Toni Morrison (Pictured)

2 Things: This was a great piece, and that title is clickbait.

Brownell’s failure to hit the breaks...

I was reading The New Jim Crow during election season and it was terrifying to read about “law and order” and then turn on the TV that night and hear Miniature-hand Mussolini talk about restoring “law and order” to the “inner cities.”

Aside from people who just happen to love red hats and the Times New Roman font, we know who the base of Trump’s voters are.


“I miss when Jalopnik was about cars, not politics.”

...attitude shut-off...

I thought this was a J. Cole reference. I’m showing my age. I’ll see myself out...