
Ironically he has a PhD in nutrition.

Sure, it’s stupid. But that doesn’t make it a big deal.

Meanwhile NOBODY is commenting on the fact that they photoshopped the WRONG SPACESHIP into the poster?! That’s clearly a sub-photon-class-8 sub-cruiser at best, and anyone can tell you that ship wouldn’t make the distance needed to travel to Earth. The readers of Jalopnik-Alpha-Centauri had this to say

Now playing

This reminds me of a great SCTV skit, where the live production of Ben Hur is interrupted by a Soviet transmission of their channel, CCCP1, which had a show called “What Fits Into Russia”.

Thank god Comic Book writers in the 30's were terribly not creative with women’s names because otherwise the movie would be fuuuuuuuuuuuucked

I still maintain that if they wanted to do an all female ghostbusters it should have been a continuation not a reboot. Essentially in the first movie they talked about how the “Franchising rights alone will make us millions”. So fast forward all these years later and who might need money? Venkman. Have him scam the

Sorry, it ain’t real Benny Hill unless everything is ridiculously fast. Try this one: