
"Yes, that's right. 9 kilos. No they only had a red one. I'm going to get it painted white though."

Yea but how many times have I seen a 28' U-Haul scraping, smashing, or otherwise damaging itself in the hands of the lesser qualified? (the answer is a lot)

By hemorraging funds on frivolous purchases?

Or if you are towing a trailer where the combined gross weight is over 1x,xxx lbs (varies from state to state)

So does this pertain to these too Doug???

I'm probably going to have to rob several banks to buy it. I mean, realistically, how much cash are you gonna walk out with if you hold up your neighborhood Wells Fargo? Not enough to buy a 917K, that's for damn sure.

Even if that were possible, it would still be Dany Bahar's fault that it is Hamilton's fault...

It's still his fault.

Thanks Dany Bahar!

Buffalo Electric Carriage Company

I'm doubling the vote for AMC

Ehh. I'm a bit slow today. And its Doug DeMuro whos questionable shorts and flip flip wearing choices make me question his driving ability.

For half a second I thought this was real

"There's something I do that I've never really heard discussed. If I'm traveling in a line of traffic, cruising along at a decent or expected pace with cars in front and behind me, and the car in front of me brakes unexpectedly (either just slowing down or to stop but not at a light or a sign), I shift slightly to the

Well it is rather refreshing from the standard black on black with dark tinted windows that literally every hotel in Vegas has. Oh hey, is that our Rolls Royce? Hold on, let me check. Nope, license plate says MGM. That one says Bellagio. Were never going to find our Rolls, they all look the same.

It's funny you say this because when I bought my last vehicle I immediately went home and removed the dealer vinyl they put on the back, but I never once looked at the plate. I mean I am pretty sure I have a license plate on there, but maybe they forgot. If it is there, it might have a frame on it, I don't know. Maybe

Car was low on fuel

Yes, you are supposed to accelerate to the flow of traffic then merge, not merge across 4 lanes of traffic in one move and then speed up...

We have one similar out here, an on ramp (right hand side) that just turns into another lane. No merge, no, exit only, it just becomes another lane. Yet everyday, every person has to immediately merge left, leaving the right lane completely clear as they create traffic in the left lanes. And every day, I merge through