
Yes, using the on-ramp to get up to speed would help, but if you're going to jackass merge, do it across one lane, not 4.

Don't be the across-all-lanes-merge-guy.

Or the left for that matter... Keep right except to pass (this really needs to be posted in big, bold letters every 1/4 mile down every highway)

Understand how the zipper merge works. Don't force your way in just so you can be a whole four seconds in front of that other asshole.

Drive politely. Don't pretend like you own the road.

"Closing an isolated road with cones for a 5 mile stretch so I could top speed my car, then actually doing it."

Lol. yes. much better...

Maybe its just the picture angle but that rake angle looks ridiculous.

God that upside down date center screen is annoying.

Well I never did before but I guess always will now...


Gen 2 CRX. Finding an untouched one thats not in a junk yard is rarer than a Bugatti on the road.

That's just a ploy by the media to make you think it doesn't snow until December. I lived in King of Prussia for a little while; the weather is a lie.

Yea dude, it's early September; you'll have FEET of snow in a few weeks...

So it can handle well maintained dirt roads with the occasional stream. I saw a Prius 6 miles up a Jeep trail two weeks ago... Gonna need a little bit more than that Fiat Jeep

becasue there's a space s and the ex (come to think of it, there's always space between the s and the ex...)

But what fun is that?!?

If you spell XE S backwards it spells SEX.

I would guess mid $40k.

(Puts on flame suit)