
It's been out for nearly 5 years already. The reason it "failed" is becasue GM had all these high sales numbers predicted for this thing and it didn't get anywhere near those numbers. Like not even close. Thats a failure.

I would love to buy a new Viper for $110k, the problem is, you can buy a Gen 5 in good condition for 60-70 with low mileage.

Weeellll.... Failing.

Well I am just going off of hearsay. but I would say you are probably right on that. My guess is that people thought it was something it wanst and then said "you know and I didn't really like the interior" or whatever. But at any rate, it was (and still mostly is) a flop.

Well anything is better than the Prius interior (or at least Prius of that time). My old company had one and I once had to drive it from Vegas to LA (350-ish miles). Never has my ass and back hurt so bad as it did after driving that thing, and I've rode supersport motorcycles that distance and then some...

And then they did... It's called the ELR

I like how Jaguar is finally becoming what it should have been and going after a good market share, not just people who want a more expensive, re-bodied Ford.

Volt. Great in concept but a sub par interior and a $40k-ish price tag put sales way under expectation. Prices have come down a bit over the years so there are a few more on the road now, but the initial buzz behind it and the consequential flop immediately following its release should make it a worthy candidate for

Deegans a professional racer.If thats you'r definition of a bro, then I'm a bro all day long. To me a bro a the guy who thinks hes on Jersey Shore with a lifted truck that never sees dirt.

You can say it here... just once though. Then Once more into the grey...


equal rights vehicles.


Homogametic Vehicles.

A vehicle in which a bipedal being with two of the same chromosomes would be more apt to operate.

He thinks he is a good driver (at least when it comes to stick driving capabilities) but he still stalls out all the time and rough launches it unable to control throttle / clutch feathering.

Oh, no, he is quite terrible, still, to this day, as he has since upgraded to a V6 Camaro stick. The Amazingly indicated that everyone, myself included, expected it (or the transmission) to be burnt / shattered / not in its original location, far before 20k.

There's some douchebag with a sports bike and no muffler in my neighborhood who does this. Albeit I assume its the whole "look at me" thing and not that he does not know how to shift, but hes screaming down the road at 40 mph in first, probably 10,000 rpm, all the damned time. One of these days I'm just going to go

Depending on state. My first car, which was a beater Honda that I learned to drive stick on, cost me $60 for 2 years reg and $120 / year for insurance (on my fathers policy then becasue I was 16 but...)

Alright, here goes: "I work with a guy who has hair growing off his ears. It is obvious and if you shaved it off you could make an eyebrow out of it. Thats how much it is. When u talk to him you can't help but stare at it. How do you bring it up without embarrassing him?