
“I know what Star Wars is supposed to be, not the fans!”

It’s a 4790K and running at idle it was heating up. I thought something was borked somewhere else. Luckily just swapping the fan/reapplying thermalpaste did it.

The force required to seat some parts is really the most stressful part for me.

I had to replace the stock Intel fan on mine after seeing some worrying temperatures at idle. Got a decent aftermarket fan and it dropped the temps by +40C. Lesson for me is those stocks fans and/or thermalpaste are crap.

I thought I would be saving quite a bit by DIY but in the end it was almost a wash $ wise and with a ton of stress, worrying that I just ruined a $395 CPU, etc.

After building my first PC this last summer I would say the common problems are cooling, wire routing and dust management in a reasonably sized case. If there’s a case out there that takes care of all of that given the typical motherboard layout, please let everyone know.

Maybe the 3rd gen will be a LG Tone mashup.

Exactly and any job where you need hands-free information or feedback. Besides being a safety hazard in a place like a factory, Google Glass was probably originally intended for work vs personal use. Maybe they sold the original Glasses to see how many people would get run over.

Now playing

Eerie re-enactment of the Spokane crash.

I don’t believe you. But I do forgive you. Merry Christmas!

It’s really ok for you and your fellow numb-noses stop being so judgy as well. We, the rest of the population, forgive you.

Oh FFS. It's white and gold.

I agree that you should drink beer, not pontificate about it.

Oh, I’m sure if someone dude decides to make a tasty beer you won’t have trouble finding it. You may have to go to a beer store, like you do now. It may not be at your favorite bar, like it isn’t now. The best will rise to the top and you’ll always have a choice in beers. There is no beer apocalypse.

Pretty funny Sauber’s main sponsors from back then each went on to the sides of dominant cars.

As far as what Mclaren is saying, they’re talking about unstalling the aero in corners, so I guess smoothing airflow in corners to increase downforce. It’s beyond me why having a wing inherently stalled is actually lower drag but I’m no aerodynamicist.

Most of information is verbatim.

Plasma on the trailing edge can reduce turbulent air, which decreases drag.