
I'm calling bullshit. There was no mention of our lord and savour, Sir Elon Musk.

I believe it was “Gimme Some Lovin”.

They should mic the turbo, screw the fans at the track. But seriously, this whole new engine thing was supposed to be about technology and to save gas and bring fans in. It's only done the complete opposite. What a waste. It should be called Waste Gate.

I’ll concede, in high school I remember paying attention to whether a car had 1.6 or 1.8L. Twenty years ago cars were so underpowered shit like that mattered. Now, a current minivan would blow the doors off 80% of the cars back then.

Great filming and great sound, seriously. The natural shots they got of everyone getting in and out of their cars were great. There needs to be a Where Are They Now.

Wow, beat me to it and almost the exact same pic.

Don’t forget, this is pre-porn. People had a lot less to do in their spare time.

Maybe all that shit is a sign of an actual civilized society. Unlike 99% of American roads, maybe people back then actually stayed in the goddamned slow lane. And if a base level car with zero guts passed you before a hill then you truly would be fucked. Cars back then had next to no extraneous power so I could see

Oh really? You got the GLA?

He mixed up the names. Common mistake calling Browning, Cal.

Uh, no. One word clearly says fart and the other, butt. Look at the picture man.

For some reason they’ll be literal and call it the Data Minecart.

I never thought having a V12 would make a difference but that would seal the deal for me. But for the practical choice I would go Porsche just because of the dealer network, brand reliability and AWD. Something is off about the turbo sounds in the P1. It sounds awesome but for me it puts it down in compact car

I had one too! But they were also a lot lighter and had a smaller frontal area with a lower Cd.

I’ve heard the solution to the Leaf’s battery problem lies in the 76,000 battery llamas from “Llama Fresh” Farms Ltd. near Paraguay.

The Concorde didn’t survive beause it wasn’t economical to fly. With this thing fractional companies can make money because they can charge an assload of money and make it work. The engines are less polluting and quieter and the boom is quieter which is really the biggest deal. We’ve had all sorts of faster supersonic

Or side?

Four pictures of the front corner but none of the back?

Team Aleix all the wayyyyy!!!

They've cut front end downforce a few times in the past with mixed results. I say cut off all wings and go active suspension.