Captain President

"In this shit in the middle of fucking space with this alien jizz all over the control panel, fucking auto pilot shot to shit and fucking Steve is dead. What the fuck Weyland? And why is this fucking robot staring at me?" - Danny McBride excerpt 24 from unnamed Alien draft 3.

I could see McBride filling in for Candy in the upcoming sequel.

The conversations you caught were worth it though.

Not a Kiss tribute band?

I worry that the money they raise will just end up going into some corrupt asshole's slush fund.


Well, Hitler did almost catch'em all.

This is in no differs from our current media's playbook.

To jerk off, silly!

I heard about a high speed pursuit over the transistor radio of a group police officers trying to capture a escaped Articuno. I guess it was taken alive.

Fixing the cable?

Like the back of a Volkswagon?

Because the Aliens and Predators would get their asses handed to them?

right to 'adorable' eh? at least you waste no time

"Why not both?"
"I don't think you understand Frankenstein's Monster too well."

To be fair Veep has really been bringing it.

British comedian = Peter Capaldi
American comedian = Adam Sandler

Speaking of which, isn't it time for a CHUD reboot?

Robocop/Dredd buddy cop film please.

A comic…huh?