Captain President

Can you get an erection if you have no heart? I'm asking for a friend…

My god that thing's operational!

I guess he coaxed psychiatrists to let him interview their most disturbed patients to study for the role.

I'm no longer allowed to do that in public sinks. I thought this was America!

It gets you high as fuck

I only go to Hooters in third world countries.

So would that make them somehow more valuable in the Ghostbuster's universe?

Still holding out for the tactineck.

We're Mennonites, we're Mennonites in tights!

I'd dig an R-rated version of it, as long as Snyder wasn't involved (movie becomes dour and ultra-violent)

"I don't wanna sound racist but-"
"Power through it." - Archer.

It was marketed by disgruntled gamergaters.

Nosy CGI on the other hand sucks.

For the sequel I propose a montage of them Ghostbusting up every major New York event.


I'll keep my eyes peeled for the Zach Snyder R-rated guest director's cut of Paul Feig's Ghostbusters. I have it on good authority it'll be edgy as fuck!

Was it Star Wars: The Phantom Limb?

My mind is blown by how people get so angry at this movie. Either you'll like it or you won't. It's not like they are hurting real ghosts or anything. Which begs the question: is there a PETA equivalent for paranormal entities?

What's the next ragefest? Probably Jared Leto's Joker flick.

Speaking of shared universes, Let's throw Ghostbusters in with Men in Black and 21 Jump Street so we can fight drug dealing alien ghosts in space.