Captain President

He kinda looks like a buff Saul Goodman

Maybe he'll put a hole in your head, y'know, just for the heck of it - Trent Reznor, Fargo season 3

I will Fistfuck the next person who desecrates my Warm Place

He got sick and tired of Carrot Top smacking him around.

Fallout 4 is 2015 summarized. Throw it in a time capsule for future anthropologists to study our whimsical ways

This spambot is in a very appropriate thread. Great Job Internet!

They had two different endings prepared based on if the show made the top 40 cut of the A.V. Club. Thack's blood is on your hands! #twodaystilretirement

heh heh. It's funny cause it says anus tart

*not reading, letting my inner reptile brain do the thinking
I can't believe Obama played a storm trooper. Doesn't he have a country to run into the ground? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!1!

And How!

Yes. Making a semi-automatic rifle that has the range of a sniper, a blast area like a shotgun (while not losing damage) that fires acidic cryo flaming poison rounds is the executive way to take down a mutant.

I'm guessing from the title of the episode that this is a biography about Adam Sandler

Help! I'm being oppressed! - Rich White Men

That only works when you shake them down!

I hear that for 1 million dollars you can do two scripts at the same time

(Amused British accent) This genre was named after the dog!?

Oh I'm just agreeing

It's a self-correcting problem!

Simpson was being pragmatic. Kilgrave is a serious threat and he must be eliminated. He couldn't afford to fuck around

One of the reasons she clings to is that if she kills Kilgrave she cannot exonerate Hope and vicariously herself. She needs proof, needs to put him on trial. She supports it with talk of not stooping to his level/aspirations of being a hero.