Captain President

Fuck yeah. Though I hope Ritter makes an appearance; their friendship was one of the many highlights of Jessica Jones.

It seems that Quentin is running against the wind

Are you sure? You'll miss out on the teaser for the new Star Wars

He had two days 'til retirement you monster!

Aw. I guess I'm one of the few that enjoyed the TV series of aliens invading and living among us. Marc Singer for life! #marcsinger4lifebiatches

I love that the picture they use for Hateful Eight makes it look like a backwoods musical

I love that the picture they use for Hateful Eight makes it look like a backwoods musical.

Why in god's lactating tit is Jupiter Ascending's picture headlining this article?

*Adjusts monocle. I shall take myself and my esteemed hardline christian family to see this patriotic Christmas Carol. Suck it Libs!

Off-white is the preferred PC nomenclature Donny.

I might be willing to part with a schilling to see it.

So mandatory minimum life sentence? I think America's 'tough on crime' campaign has drifted into cruel and unusual punishment.

It's a holiday documentary about the minority white Christian Heroes valiantly fighting a losing battle in the War on Christmas. Starring Kirk Cameron!

Is there a category called Existential Mindfuck? Because that's where it belongs.

By the end of the film you feel like the protagonist; there is nothing more that can be done to you so fuck it. The movie grows you thicker skin.

Armond White is the not the critic we need, but the critic we deserve.

My god. The synergy is over 9000!

He was in such a damned rush to get back into hibernation.

*Scoffs *Groans also
When will QT direct an Eastern?!

Beauty of a review as well Mr. Ignatiy.