Captain President

King Shark: Origins

Damien Darhk is in the grave. Oliver and Barry are mourning him because his big plan all along was to stop Zoom and he sacrificed himself to do so while simultaneously undoing 94% of the bad shit from before. (Perhaps using time shenanigans.) Place your bets here!

Arrow 3: the search for Felicity. I will accept it if the following theme is Team Arrow time traveling to rescue whales for communication porpoises.

*Institutes separate Meme and Non-Meme drinking fountains.

Jar Jar not making a cameo in the next movie makes it difficult to emotionally connect with his rumored long torturous death scene.

You forgot Batman Finishes

This new Blue Netflix is 99.6% pure. Classic Coke.

It our universe perhaps…

Now with 80% more Dr. Strange B-roll footage!

Kilgrave: Luke, I am your father.
Luke Cage: Sweet Christmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssss!!!!!

Cheney is a jackass

I watch movies on my 70mm laptop. I figure it's a good compromise.

Why is Fred Durst hanging out with Cloud?

Should have chased her home with the beetle drone.

"Gentlemen, there is no humming allowed in the Drone Room!"

These days most movies are.

This warhead has a pinch of chili powder in it. It's sort of my signature.

It is possible to be against some policies but for others in a single administration. Few things are black and white.

They may have flying carpets. Do those count?

Why don't they put little bombs on that bug drone?