Capt Figpuckr Crimea Rivr Song

Taylor is an individual obviously doing this without a PR firm or lawyer. So her messaging wasn’t 100% on point or accurate when it comes to a complicated business matter that is not easily explained in a paragraph or two. PG however has PR specialists and lawyers so when they make their points they’re going to do it

It’s simple psychology. If you put somebody into a mentally defensive position there’s zero chance they will be able to listen to your ideas, analyze them and incorporate them into their world view because they will reflexively be against what is being said to them in an aggressive manner. However, sometimes, you see

FYI $3,000 a month puts you into the top ten percent of global income earning. Half the planet lives off of two dollars a day or less. There’s a few billion people who would gladly do your work for $300 a month. So when you say she’s a part of the economic elite you are doing it at the same time you yourself are a

My best friend eloped because it was what his wife wanted. Why? Because she knew we would talk him out of marrying her. It was a mess. It took him over five years to realize he was in an abusive relationship, that she was treating him like garbage and telling him nobody else could love him so he was stuck with her.

If everybody knows he’s an asshole and she was offered a measly four grand for a franchise that had to date made 450 million dollars thanks in part to her voicing Bayonetta I don’t think people are going to see her as somebody causing trouble. And the people that are going to see her like that are like the asshole

Not really. If it isn’t a success it’ll be shut down for losing money. We won’t know how successful it is, but we do know it is successful as long as it is still being maintained because they are still profiting at the level they want. 

She’s voicing the titular character. There will undoubtedly be changes to the script as the game progresses and that would have required her returning to the studio whenever they made updates to the script. The game franchise has also made 450 million dollars and she voiced the Bayonetta for those two games. Four

Kinja doesn’t have the capacity to pin things to the top. Or if it does, I’ve never seen them use it. 

You did a superb job, never noticed there was a change in the actor.

You don’t know what kind of history she has, as you admit. There’s one example of her not allowing herself be treated like a doormat. That’s not causing a stink, that’s standing up for ones self worth. Since we don’t know the details of the other situation we don’t know if she was justified in her actions there or if

Since I don’t own a Switch or plan to buy one this is an easy boycott for me to join. If it comes to PC, though, I still won’t buy it. How dare they treat the world’s sexiest librarian warrior so poorly!!

I’ve turned your comment into an NFT so you now owe me 0.00472 bitcoin. 

The artist doing the live stream of drawing of a copyrighted character did indeed violate the rights of the copyright holder. It is up to the copyright holder to decide what to do in that instance. Many corporations are fine with it as long as the profits aren’t that large because they understand fandom if free

I haven’t seen anybody commenting that AI needs to be banned. What some people, me included, want is proper regulations to insure that Facebook or Google or Tencent or Amazon doesn’t create works by inputting in personal photos they have no permission to use, copyrighted materials they do not have permission to use or

Computers do not observe (notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant) anything. They record data and analyze data. They know something is significant because a human programmed it to recognize it as significant and not something the computer realized on its own. To observe something you have

You’d have an argument if the AI was learning from datasets they legally had rights to. But they aren’t doing that. They’re putting in all kinds of things that do not belong to them and, mentioned in this article, a person’s medical images were included in the dataset the AI learned from. If you built a building and

In case you didn’t know, the Arrow’s Reach Talisman applies to Rock Sling and both of Loretta’s spells. I didn’t discover that until I was playing NG+. 

This is anti-lefthanded hatred run amok! Amok I tell you!1!!

I can’t bring myself to do the Frenzied Flame or Poop Curse endings. I know it’s silly, but I don’t like feeling like I’ve destroyed all of reality or cursed an entire world to perpetual curses. I’m a mega nerd, I game as much to test my gaming skills as I do my imagination via role playing and I don’t like playing

I’m not a hard core gamer but I do game a lot and was worried that Elden Ring would be too difficult physically because I have neurological pain issues and my hands don’t work nearly as well as they used to decades ago. But I’ve had so much fun with this game! It’s definitely not easy, I have died a lot but that makes