
I don’t think so, I agree about Danny Rands casting choice. He pulled it off. I wish Ed Norton somehow stuck around because he was perfect. Renners Hawkeye is unlikeable. There are tons of other dudes they could’ve got for that role. Maybe it’s his maskless costume that bugs me? Johannsens Widow is too short ,

Right, I cringe everytime I read the same crap in every single GOT article. Finish the books! Finish the books ! Get over it already. Think of something original already. You’re spittin in the wind fools.

I spend a lot of time in traffic. That’s how I “read” them.

Can we please stop saying this everytime we have a GOT article? It’s super unoriginal and tired. Give it up, he’ll finish when he wants to. This is George RR Martin by the way.

Dude, this looks fun as hell. I’m there. Seth Macfarlane is the new Adam Sandler , meaning that people love to hate just because. If he wasn’t funny then he wouldn’t be successful. I’m tuning in.

Yeah, there was something special about the Tennant/Smith Drs. Capaldi had some cool moments but it hasn’t been appt tv like it used to be. I still have the last two eps on my TiVo.

They clearly never played football at Winterfell. Hell Ricky in Boyz N The Hood was actually a star football player and suffered the same fate. Ricky!!!!

One was more of a slaughter than a battle. Both friggen fantastic though . Me being a horror movie buff appreciates Hardhome more because zombies bro.

“Marvel not only has the 5 previous Spideys to look over, but hits and misses from the post-Burton Batman days.”

Worse than Iron Man 2? Thor 2? Come on now.

Goodfellas did it. Sorry.

Dude if you thought Guardians two was shitty then you probably think that suicide squad was fantastic. Didn’t know you people existed.

Heard rumors we might get a degeneration with Matt Smith coming back. Could be cool.

Take it even further back to the children and the first men and end it with Roberts rebellion . HBO can milk that baby for 10 years.

That makes no sense at all.

Things that make me want to shoot myself when I read GOT related comments sections :

No one believes you.

Those are not obvious. HBO wants long term moneymakers. These two obvious choices are at best one season each.

Don’t mind it at all If it’s good.

They need to go back to the beginning with the children and the first men. HBO can milk that baby for decade or more . Thousands of years of great stories.