
The worst thing for me is that these guys are directly responsible for the utterly pointless deaths of countless US personnel. Not to mention the walking wounded who are abandoned as the blood lust picks new prey. The poor families of those service people and this guy is treated like some celebrity, make me sick

Sorry, Tyler, I usually like your articles but this one is totally out of the scope of Jalopnik. It’s politics. It belongs on Gawker.

1 ) The overall gun violence rate has gone down as the more people are owning guns

Is there some sort of mental retardation that you are suffering from? Because if there is, I can understand your response and I feel sorry for your situation.

It would appear that none of the other people had guns.

I like stuffing his backpack full of bibles and air-dropping him into Pyongyang.

Sanders is a self-described socialist who has advocated raising taxes on what’s left of the middle class.

It depends on what your meaning of the word is is.

President Clinton is not a candidate, he already served 2 terms.

“He’s unfortunately not that far off.”

Does it really matter? They’re still dropping dumb bombs over urban areas. Who gives a fuck what the US has done, this is still wrong.

Accusing others of being mentally inadequate all the while displaying such ignorance persistently on this board?

Bad intel is not the same as a casual disregard for civilian casualties. And just so you know, the Russians have bombed at least five hospitals in Syria.

Gimmick or not this doesn’t surprise me at all. You send out a RFP for design and the winning bidder fails to deliver the final product and doesn’t follow through after the fact. Any firm would sue, this isn’t unique to Tesla.

US kills Muslim terrorists - Good! UK kills Muslim terrorists - Good! France kills Muslim terrorists - Good! Israel kills a mountain of Muslim terrorists - Good! Russia carpet-bombs Muslim civilians - BAD!!!!

More like the early 80s late 70s. The hornet for example has had an auto bombing capability since the first As.

You seem to be mistaking the mostly urban campaign against the rebels with the campaign against ISIS.

What kind of watch list did I just make it on for clicking through to that goddamn site?

Nobody is questioning the effectiveness of the campaign. We are questioning their methods, and those who support them.

I imagine how lonely you must be.