
It was fairly obvious. There was a ton of blood and the only way to defeat an Army of the Dead, is with your own Army of the Dead and DragonGlass.

Jeez, Star Trek blows up Enterprises like Star Wars blows up DeathStars/SunCrushers. Can either of these two franchises get an orignal idea?

Well if it is a choice of being repeatedly raped by John Goodman and that hipster doffus, I think she makes the right decision to take her chances outside with the Cloverfield monster.

Might be time for a couple of F-22 to take some of those S-400s out.

I am not a big fan of them, but I had a white pearl Lexus GX470 with gold package back in the day that had them and they were not to bad.

You don’t need to win when you have 10,000 to 1 Kill/Death ratio.

What are Bowie and Alan Rickman getting for MLK day?

Prettyyy sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

The game was ugly because the referees, commissioner and NFL has loss all power to the players. Burfict should have been ejected early on along with 2 or 3 others. Also, all the safety equipment needs a serious redesign and the rules clarified and simplified. Technological advances also need to be implemented. Like

Come on. Really. Insult jokes are the easiest. For example.

You had the perfect setup, but slighted fumbled the landing. 8/10

That is why every time I see a parked Tesla, I put four of those miniature traffic cones around it. So you have to walk you fat ass to your car.

Burfict should have been ejected 3 times before that penalty. Ugly game. Officials lost control. They were penalties every play, but players and even coaches should have been ejected as well as some Cinny fans throwing bottles.

Wow, this has been a very ugly game. Penalty every other down. Cheap shots. Bad officiating. Bad weather. Bad offense.

What they hell is with the Spanish feed? Can’t afford the USA licensing or is this

Looks fairly interesting. Just hope it is not one of those were the time traveler has to commit the act to set it right. Meaning Franco is going to interfere, but ultimately when things go wrong in the future he has to kill Kennedy to set them right, because he already had kill Kennedy in the first place.

Obviously it is not a carbon copy. It has a Mary Sue Rey in it.