
Jeez, do they even try this stuff before selling it?

If anyone thinks physical media isn’t important given the recent spate of deliberate content annihilation by studios/streamers, good luck to them.

WHOOOOP whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop!

DG is one talented guy.

Those coins seem a good plot device for stories. I like what Jim Butcher’s done w/ them in his Dresden series.

Is The Witcher gonna put their main character in a coma, and he wakes up 3 stone lighter?

Dudes are just trying to feel something. Anything. This won’t do it.

Anyone who thinks a blue check means “verified” isn’t paying attention. Just means “verified their payment cleared”.

Charlie Theron

Goodness he’s overly verbose.

If nyt added this next to sudoko in their xword app, easy/med/hard, I’d probably add it to my daily routine. Neat.

I figure the fact they didn’t dump it means they think they’ve got something very profitable. What that translates to in terms of me liking it, dunno. But I’m pretty easy to please, so they’ll get my ticket.

One distinguishing feature I like here is that when it’s dinner time, you can easily move the board, eat, then come back and finish your game if it happens to be a long one.

Maybe he just put a paper bag over his head that read, “I am not Mutt anymore.

That just seems like bad code. Premature optimization may be the root of all evil, but fixing this would not have been premature.

I don’t think The Rock was embarrassed. He seems absolutely willing to do whatever he thinks will help his current and future projects succeed (even as far as sending a tweet), so he or his team does it and they move on to the next task. Because of that, I wasn’t embarrassed for him either.

I feel like the nuance of the criticism would’ve changed significantly if her character’s pod had malfunctioned and she’s woken HIM up. But I won’t pretend to know *how* it would’ve changed.

The fun part is he doesn’t seem to care whether anything he does fails or causes active harm. He’s already moved on by then.

“Vegan leather” (sigh) is plastic and/or plant material. They could just say that.

I suspect that if the studios thought it would double their gross, every one of those would’ve been PG-13. The ones released in or after July 1984 anyway. And we might not remember them as fondly.