
“I mean, Poe or anyone else couldn’t know about the plan for exactly what reason?”

“the conflict as we know it is outmoded, simplistic, and effectively fundamentalists squabbling to feed the military industrial complex”

“But, who is going to train these Jedi?”

Given that Dreamer was just killed and the gun was still at Blink’s head, not worth risking that unless/until they thought they could actually do something more about it.

More or less. My sticking point is that I can totally imagine a Crusher-centered film that could be done well, but you’re right in that funding and interest likely wouldn’t motivate it nearly to the blockbuster status studios presume these ensemble films will be. For a long while, I’ve pitched the idea that more media

It reminds me that like lots of super hero stories, films just often feel like the wrong format for them. Can’t really do much character building in an ensemble piece in a two-hour stint.

The end of Avengers 4 is where all the current heroes up in space go Onslaught Saga for a minute, letting anyone off contract slip out easy and the rest return after a respite with new heroes coming in (*cough* Thunderbolts *cough*).

“But they haven’t gone back to fun.”

Read more in his new book, “If I Did Her... And I Totally Did, Many People Say I Have One of the Great Sex of History”.

Yeah, if he knew actual things, it’d be more likely he stumbles mid-bamboozle on some remnants of decency or empathy.

Maybe. There’s a reason this sort of pattern continues to happen, and it’s often because the payment handling services tend to themselves be quite leery about taking payments for adult content, and so transfer that to services in between like ISPs, middlemen services like Patreon, etc. A more adult-friendly

Imagine how much worse that’d be if you and your son were Asian, though.

“A parody would take the TNG holodeck and make a clever joke about how it always malfunctioned and tried to kill the user.”

If you meant to write that you feel 50% is a hard cap for what you feel is fair to be taxed (and is now 33%), you suck hard at communicating that.

“Put simply, if those that work 40 hours get the same paycheck as those that work 60. The ones that worked 60 lost “everything” they worked harder for, even though they still get a paycheck.”

Nope, tried that and the dudes just got offended. >_<

I think the problem people are having with your attitude is that it sounds like you’re actively against any law which might have some positive effect on this front because it can’t be positive enough an effect, but you seem to be ignoring any possible ratio gain in potential lives saved to rights given up for this. It

“is not the most efficient way to kill a lot of people.”

Same, though it definitely feels like a perfect mash-up of Half-Life’s portal tearing tech, Protoculture with the pseudo-religious elements of the bio-physics, and the Blink Drive.

“Why is it that we don’t treat this cult like any other?”