
Also, as in the case with North Carolina banning local jurisdictions from having more permissive bathroom access laws, “smaller / more local is better” is always just BS for “look, we know what we’re doing is assholes, but we want it that way.” The second the tables are turned, expect the hypocricy.

Pretty sure there’s an answer somewhere in the realm between immediately defaultable and never ever never defaultable, never mind that whole free tuition thing.

Crazy thought... they use him as a bridge for if/when they decide to introduce Miles Morales when Spider-Man disappears for some reason, and he’s a bit more of a mentor after having some Peter Parker XP.

It’s all part of the Art of the Squeal.

I often feel like I was the only person who watched and enjoyed that show. Glad to see I’m not alone!

“Why should I have to pay for open heart surgery on a fat slob who does nothing but sit around all day eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, and not giving two seconds of thought to his personal health?”

As long as it takes them to realize the easiest way to get Trumpets to go for single payer healthcare is to ensure all Americans get tremendous veteran’s benefits. Screw the draft, why not just 2-4 years of mandatory* service?

So a big screen adaptation of “Evacuate Earth”? Could be cool...

“Some gravitas might have been nice.”

We are Batman on this blessed day.

“What the everloving fuck does Gary Cohn think I get out of investment advice that isn’t actually geared to my best interests?”

“He’s also helping us figure out who the assholes are—they’re coming out of hiding all over!”

But that implies that they won’t say the exact same thing anyways when they do ‘capitulate’ like this, so long as they ever put up any protest vote anywhere else.

“and the damage it causes to the institution”

“Who really wants this [Black Adam movie]?”

Oh, F4... at this point, I think my friends and I are like two long convos away from having a full season+ pitch for Netflix. If anyone needs a long form format for setting up pathos, that’s the one.

“I don’t disagree, but you don’t fix that by giving the Executive more and more authoritarian powers.”

It depends - is it funny?

“Access Journalism” has been the open wound that allowed Trump to fester. It was shit under Clinton, shit under Bush, and shit under Obama. It’s only going to be far worse with Trump because he’s already proven to be an abusive spouse in that particular relationship.

So that is truly the rarest of Wendes.