
Pizzagate is a distraction - Obama still has days to steal our guns before we can Make America White Great Again! /s

“Most white people aren’t that self-aware. So they wanted a reason to vote for someone, not against them.”

Correct. It’s a horrible reactionary cycle of bullshit that only rewards those who fuel off that hatred. We have too many cases like the SJWs and anti-feminists who feed off each other’s overstepping of legitimate concerns into screwed up spaces - we need to be better than this, all of us, and if it has to be the left

Allow me to remind you of the low information voter:

Well.... why not make the facts speak up louder then? Put up?

Well, you have to remember, four billion dollars is a lot to him.

How can global warming not be real with that catastrophic a burn out there?

Now playing

How can you see this and believe that? /s

This feels like satire that’s too over-the-top to be real. The Corporate Overlords have finally convinced the consumers to protest through attempting to purchase products of the companies they disagree with. “I dare you to give me a Trump cup, Brown Star Bucks!” They’re snickering under their breath all the way to the

To be fair, our history has shown us as all too often being the worst of both worlds. We’ve had too many times where we go and screw over people in other countries for some numerically small, economically powerful group to get all the benefit. I can respect both sides of the argument of general military isolationism

While the raw numbers definitely point to ISIS causing more harm, there are two flaws that sort of simple analysis. First and foremost, the notion of people in my own country killing my own peers with a power granted to them by us is a much more existential concern than a slaughter half a world away.

It seems quite possible any real risk here is being hunted down vigorously by the CIA or some other agency, but with Donald and the Trumpets, they probably don’t have to have any sort of deep system in place to screw with the country - just say stuff.

“There’s a non-zero probability the US has just installed a Russian puppet government.”

From TV stardom to the presidency, who’d have thought?

I thought the monster had mottled orange fur?

“Satire is not designed to change anything.”

It’s called Rights-sizing the Constitution.

Frankly, I’ll be a little shocked the GOP will allow the filibuster to survive into the new Congress, but if they manage to screw up and let it happen, any Democrat in the Senate who doesn’t return the favor from the last several years on any unpalatable bill needs to be run out of the party.

Well, parts of it did. To me, it still seemed clear that he was a master of very few specific bits of sorcery in a grand sea of spellcasting, and that second fight playing up his utter incompetence relative to the bad guys stood out to me. Even his final victory was more him cheating a loophole than really

This has been my hope for years, taking a uniquely MCU take on the post-Onslaught storyline. Zemo is in play. It’s entirely possible some characters like Moonstone could come over, and it might be super funny to have Ant-Man and Wasp be part of this as well if they’re the only Avengers not AWOL after the Infinity War.