
Saving a fetal life is worth having the government force women to give up their bodily resources and autonomy on threat of punishment, right? As long as you never, ever complain that government’s too big or too intrusive in our lives, cool with me.

Oh, man, the Thunderbolts hype is building. C’mon, Marvel...

Sounds like a good excuse for a dark timeline and time travel shenanigans to prevent it. Send X23 back!

Indeed. I recall he came out not too long ago and basically admitted to letting his opinions override the ‘rightness’ of the polls for the primary season. It seems like this has been corrected for in the back half of the general.

Where you’re supposed to be, in that mindset.

“But gee whiz, I appreciate your warning that the world is about to end, because Hillary Clinton is the devil.”

“So Hillary Clinton, who is loyal to a fault, should have thrown Donna Brazille under the bus for providing debate questions that Hillary didn’t need help on anyways?”

“Even with the Donna Brazile nonsense, it wasn’t the Clinton camp that did it, it was Donna Brazile.”

He respects soldiers who weren’t multiracial, okay? /s

“Hilary (sic) supporters attacking people that vote for Trump.”

“Wow, killed before he had a chance to shine, much like his illfated pilot! No amount of Miraclo can save him now!”

Born the ass end of ‘82, I’m the in-betweener! D:

I’d figure if the national split idea was real, we’d build in a lot of buffer time both to help move the poor out of Jesusland and to give the new country time to get its replacement systems for the federal pullout in order.

I can even picture the way it all rolls out. The rest of the Rebels all out of commission, things at their most bleak. Hondo nope’d out a while ago, and he’s the last one on Thrawn’s “ABSOLUTE DEVASTATION” menu.

“evel ignorance out e terror”

America has a long tradition of One Drop policy. He brown.

The adventures of Bao Lo, who could forget?

“You think that’s new?”

Not directly at all, correct, but the idea of a free press being stifled by cowardice in the face of lawsuits is a big practical concern there. And if malefactors can use the power of the courts to stifle free speech, that’s precisely that sort of “government is too big” problem that libertarian types are always on

I eagerly await the ultimate movie to fix the DC Cinematic Universe’s problems: Crisis of Infinite Derps.