
You read a lot into my statement. I think it’d be smart for them to have advertisers set up categorizations for what they will and won’t play on (like why I see too often Christian organization and right wing political ads on my atheist video & TYT views, talk about wasted money), but this is the lazy way for YouTube

So long as YouTube doesn’t start purging any ‘unfriendly’ content for advertisers, that’s entirely fair. Hell, it would be their right to stop hosting controversial content, but I figure the moment they leap into that pit trap, their real competition begins to form in earnest.

“Who exactly is determining what constitutes a “controversial or sensitive subject”?”

Ding ding ding! Precisely. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to get people who believe hateful things to be beliggerant to people from those groups, but without getting them to understand why it’s fucked, it breeds quiet contempt. And quiet contempt, suppressed bigotry - that’s orders of magnitude harder to fight than

“as opposed to hillary who has been marred in nothing but controversies ever since she announced her bid for election?”

Oh, no doubt there are plenty of people who are actually racist, and there is something to said for being able to hold a nasty opinion and being smart enough to not express it too callously without repercussions. That’s where the PC movement basically won, getting people to stop being casually hateful, but the shaming

“Which sucks. It’s not a good outcome. But it’s not really Hillary’s fault either.”

I wonder if it’s not actually a step in a grander design. The GOP is what it is because of the Reagan Tripod. If the Establishment Dems can show to the fiscal conservatives and enough of the more nuanced warhawks that they can have more voting power by blocing up with the centrists the Democrats have bundled up, we

I mean, they can’t all be his daughter, right?

Sounds like a really lame entered prize. :v

If he keeps posting like this, he’ll earn a lot of China Loyalty Points to raise his Citizen Rank in no time.

Wait... I can’t pass this... HOLY SHIT AM I A ROBOT?

They have to be honest about their Admirality Court status, or else the Bilderbergers will grind their judges’ bones to make tea for the lizardman overlords. What is this, 3rd grade civics? :V

Wait, can we support the general idea of whistleblowing against an almost cartoonishly corrupt organization while being weary and frustrated with the innocent people whose personal data was broadcast in the process, in part a further issue with the organization in question ALSO having poor privacy controls?

“Sadly however none of these dimensions on this huge canvas allow an Asian being cast in a leading role.”

Ah, see, you’re making the same mistake the credits do... she’s actually “Hot Girl Patrón”, the daughter of “Hot Patrón”. Why they don’t call her “Chica Patrón Calliente” is beyond me, though. SO MUCH FOR CANON!

Of course not, it’s a thrifty gene and meme.

Yeah, definitely seems possible Ezra goes full-on Force Druid.

When you’re obsessed with the “PC Police”, something like that just affirms the reason for the hatred - “See, we can’t even razz one dickish reporter because he’s a derpy shit or else we’ll ‘offend’ the ‘disabled’. PC POLICE WHOOOO!”

“The only thing that trips people up is Yoda’s line about Luke being the last of the Jedi.”