
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Design meeting:

What should the failure mode be for the wave generator?”
“Nothing, it should just die quietly and stop functioning.”
“We could do that. Or.. and hear me out on this one...”

seriously Lewis.

Trump: Just look at this, we have a Santiago shooting up Great White Gilroy Garlic. It’s unbelievable, I told you they were criminals

Found the only guy on Kinja who also has de Pfeffel as a middle name.

A Hobbit stole her car?

I’ll mark you down for a 2 on that one.

#PlacesAlonsoWouldRatherBe Indianapolis International Airport

Minor correction: the data they were given showed them exactly what kind of arguments they needed to discredit in order to continue business as usual. 

Mexico is a dope track with lots of action. Let’s cut Russia instead.

Hey fellas, your car is here.

The SAT score of 2280 is actually lower if you convert it from Canadian.

“I’m an above average 6'2 180 pound 29 year old male.”

MILF on a Shilf? 

HamNo just got a boner from the idea of internet commenters unionizing.

Once it has removed any extraneous money from your wallet, it forces you to drive in a more economical manner since you can no longer afford a fuel stop.

Hey everyone, we can start the party! Mr. Whataboutism is here!

If this is what winning looks like, holy shit I don’t want to lose.

Jerk off responsibly.

Just because you can kneel during the anthem kill black people without consequences doesn’t mean you should. There are other ways to send your message which doesn’t involve disrespecting killing a bunch of people. The difference between what these guys are doing and what Martin Luther King Jr did is he did it while