
"Because slander is not a thing." No one can harbor a hatred of someone and realize that saying something false about them would, provided they were not discovered, result in positive attention toward themselves and negative attention toward the other party. Absolutely not reason exists to lie about anything. You are

"However, as Jezebel reported, Faircloth had a long history of making contradictory statements online[...]"

Yeah, I always fake a broken vertebra.

The World Cup brings us all together to celebrate our shared humanity - but fuck other countrys' bugs.

God, I would not wish that sort of pain on my worst enemy. Some people are glad this happened and it makes me sick. It's so sad, that sort of pain is killer.


As feral tropical wildlife goes that's not too bad... My school'`s soccer fields, in southern Brazil, were plagued by bloodthirsty, low-flying, screaming southern lapwings.

OH MY GOD ITS A GRASSHOPPER. RUN FOR... well, just run to the pavement. Then you'll be ok.

Guy who has time to post comments on deadspin posts is better at his job than world class athletes.

That absolutely seems like enough to justify the article title. Your standards are way too low if you think a 21% error rate is negligible.

56. German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.

26. You get about 70 percent more food in Chipotle if you order a burrito bowl with a tortilla on the side.

Ok, so here's the paradox of video communications:

After all that work, you would think someone would have raised their hand and said "Umm....half the time I talk on the phone, I'm in my underwear. Do we really want this?"

As a native Minnesotan, I can't argue with your top choice. However, have you been introduced to Premium's kick ass cousin...

My dad used to regale us with stories of him drinking Narragansett in college. I always wanted to have one, but it was out of production. Then they finally started making it again, and I bought a case for our 4th of July party and proudly gave an ice-cold one to my dad. "This tastes like shit, son" he said. "Just like

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

I have long had a novice's interest in cetacean intelligence generally and dolphin and orca intelligence specifically. Although far from an expert, I'm fairly certain that the first translation from a male dolphin will be "A penis! I have a penis! Look at my penis! A penis! I have a penis!" The first one from a

Let's just hope that the first message we would understand is "Thanks for all the fish".