He had it coming.
He had it coming.
In my one year of organized baseball, when I was ten years old, I had a moment very much like this. It was the closest I ever got to a noteworthy play. Other highlights included:
Great blessings on your blessed day with the wisdom bestowed upon us in Ezekiel 23:20, in harmonious celebration, joy, and prayer - Amen & Congratulations!
The actions of the CEO of General Motors is car news, doofus.
I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.
Yeah! You can’t murder thousands of underage prostitutes while being out of shape!
Price is Right Games Ranked?
He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.
Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?
And why limit him to Professional Basketball?
Dyneaw Ewad
The church of Vlade Divac
I’ll take mine with a Range Rover-y rear end, thanks.
Sorry, but no.
The last truly great, truly legendary Mercedes-Benz. All hail the W/S124.
First, Padre’s and Brewers are objectively good names.
What’s this beauty? Such lovely lines, from this angle at least.
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