
“...Nintendo’s hybrid system has actually come out stronger than most new consoles.”

ahahahaha, between this and the repeated calls to not use the minimap, can we get a counterpoint? anyone on staff have any other opinions? i understand the appeal, but for those of us without 50hours/week or more to spend gaming, fast travel is HUGE. i won’t get to explore every single thing in zelda unless it’s the

people spent hundreds of hours in an online game to acquire fake stats and currency that mean nothing in the real world? this shit goes both ways. paying for continued access to a game you purchased is also fucking bonkers to me. any time super rich people file suit against less rich people, my reaction is gonna be

studio makes game. includes things that waste time. critic, whose job it is to power through these games and mark their successes and shortcomings, does exactly that. nobody is saying the ‘game’, an inanimate compilation of code and design and whatever, acquired sentience just to disrespect players. rather, the

every single person on earth should have to wear a low voltage shock collar. and every time they think about implementing a durability system in a video game, it should send a pulse. it’s *always* frustrating or boring to deal with. if i wanted frustrating or boring, i’d do backflips until i got motion sickness.

weapon durability has never functioned as anything but a distraction to me. less fiddling in menus/mindlessly hunting for drops like in a boring MMORPG, more exploring and story please.

and yet the cases are still oversized and using 9 times more plastic than they need to be probably because marketing. harumph. take stuff out from the inside, for the environment. but having guts and making a proactive decision? sony, MS, and nintendo - nope!

buy expensive vr, read about how to not barf, or just drop some acid and cut the rest of the process out. hmmmm.

excellent points. thanks for sharing.

okay, yes. there’s some nasty stuff on reddit. but it’s not a reddit problem. it’s a people problem. there are also some really stupid miserable books out there. what happens if you ban them? or burn them? people flip out and you incidentally legitimize the causes you’re attempting to suppress.

this is plotted DLC. it isn’t extra. it’s part of the main game. it’s character development alongside the main story’s path. i’ve been on the fence about this game, but after reading about this implanted DLC nonsense, i won’t be buying it until a) there’s a ‘complete’ edition with DLC included on a disc, or b) i cave

well, yeah. this thread is about some issues that the Switch has. and if you’re pulling info from hands-on impressions, well, that’s what we’re getting. i mean, if you disagree with the validity of their complaints, that’s fine. but i’m glad for reviews.

what information do you use to make up your mind without reviews?

on one hand, yes. that should’ve been caught because spellcheck is a thing. on the other hand, why do you care so much? does it.. hurt you?

“Disappointed, but not surprised.”

playing without a minimap is fine. but it sounds like you’re using all of the same features anyhow. you’re just putting chores in between voluntarily. i understand the end goal as exploration, which i still definitely do. i just also like having a detailed hud

it’s a semi-functional brick right now. what the fuck is wrong with people? lineups for iPhones too. who has time and money for this neverending song and dance bullshit? i’m being a dick, i know, but for real. i don’t get it.

max payne was 100% genre archetype though. like, he was created that way very much on purpose. that was the whole game. the others were largely supposed to be unique characters that just incidentally happened to to turn out largely boring. exception for joel, because he was a product of his environment. every

agreed with max payne as #1

i always forget how many people commute. i suppose it would be far easier to bring something that’s actually handheld. i’m glad things are working on the small screen.