
making that = super cool. i use my laptop when i need something on the go, and though it’s a bit bulkier than i’d like, i generally don’t enjoy playing games designed primarily for a monitor/TV on a tiny screen anyhow. i’m excited for the near future when we’ll be able to functionally stream games from our console in

i already have a ps4 and a pc. as do most other people, i’d imagine, who play games enough to concern themselves with (often good, but) low budget indies.

i wonder how these idiots feel about whether or not they should be able to wave a swastika around? both represent genocidal historical governments.

i don’t think it’s white people. i think it’s just lawyer-speak. maybe i’m wrong. *shrug.*

don’t worry about it. all nintendo has is sequels to established first party giants like zelda, mario, pikmin, whatever. there will be new iterations of every one of those giant franchises as long as nintendo keeps selling consoles, and possibly even long after.

oh boy. shovelware time. something had to give here, so i kinda expected this or something similar. the 3DS is going to draw less attention, and a ton of the reason for the 3DS having success was the install base and the amount of low-investment software available for it.

cool. more people having their lives ruined for like $200 usd at cost in hardware and a few internet videos displaying the OS before official release. like, yeah, fire them and make them return the switches. but criminal charges? let’s make a point of locking up or heavily fining more minimum wagers. give ‘em a

okay. now, given that we’ll be paywalled out of content after already buying a game, it’s impossible to argue that you’re playing a complete game for the sticker price. in canada, wiiU games were coming out at $80. they bumped prices at least a year before i started getting the same sticker shock from ps4 games.

i felt the same way until i found out that they’ve already announced a season pass. blech. that’s so absurdly frustrating, especially given that they’re releasing a new console that STILL SOMEHOW CAN’T HIT 1080P. at least give us something back for the hardware copouts. something nice, like not having to pay for a

i’m crazy excited about new zelda, but also, i’m not going to buy this unless they release a GotY edition with DLC rolled in. also, open world games don’t need a stamina bar. that was the worst part of Skyward Sword. especially for climbing. hey, let’s put a meaningless arbitrary barrier between players and

oh, it doesn’t come with a functional plastic case or screen protector or something.

you complain about moving forward? i can sneeze out up to SNES emulation on my 12 year old laptop. On my 5 year old desktop pc, i can sneeze out n64 and sometimes GC emulation. even got some wii games working okay.

oh yeah, that reminds me, i wasn’t gonna buy this.

anybody who cares about any of this, or has any kind of a strong reaction: it’s fine. it’s fine. but don’t ever make fun of reality TV again.

yeah, for sure. if his performance drops, it’s fair to cut him. though i’m sure there’s also a pretty good argument that these people who are professionally employed should have some kind of workplace protection so they don’t go insane and die. my point was, this issue is between whichever player, their girlfriend,


this’ll be the greatest idea i’ll never get paid for or even know if it ever happens and it probably won’t and stuff

blame girlfriend

imagine the red skull being like “the affordable care act will provide *healthcare* for millions of americans”