
paid online, and they’re on the DLC train even with first party exclusives. nope. if i can find a used copy when mario comes out, i will. but i certainly won’t be putting money directly in nintendo’s pocket for a series of anti-consumer decisions and a (probably - obviously up in the air right now, but probably)

really? kinda kills the sense of mystery and wonder you achieve from acquiring new items in a zelda game as you go. now it’s a real-life commodity! hooray for capitalism!

he campaigned as a bernie sanders-esque socialist, and he’s governing like pretty nearly any 1990s destructive post-reagan neoliberal asshole. but he’s not expressly a capital c Conservative, so at least he’s not talking about muslims terrorizing all the schools or making a sharia law in our community centres or

pedigree is a stupid made up aristocratic bunch of bullshit. *shrug*

if you get good at it, you open yourself up to the possibility of a twitch following. you can make money from this. there’s a ton of visibility at marathons like the GDQs too.

affluent white man joins KKK, causes irreparable harm to black people in locally and in the wider united states after he was given a platform.

yeah. pretty much. grief sucks, except for people who cause so much of it that the only way to stop it is to have them simply cease.

that’s enough to make me feel like a second class ps4 owner, which has 100% ensured that my next major gaming purchase will be a PC. buying a second console halfway through the lifecycle makes console gaming as/more expensive than pc gaming.

the gameboy games made me shrug and i never finished them. maybe someday. i can’t really imagine them giving me more joy than twilight princess, majora, OoT, skyward sword, and lttp/between worlds. the above are all interchangeable for me. then, windwaker and the nes games. then, the games i haven’t played on GB and

just tried to start playing 2 after hearing it was less boring and trainwrecky than 1. i can’t. 8 minutes and i’m out. especially on the PC, holy hell are they bad. how can they watch infamous come out, or uncharted, and still release this game without a massive overhaul? and then a billion sequels. i don’t think i

the nfl is good because of that arbitrary convention whereby they make you put 40 pound weights in your pants before you head out onto the field amirite?

Now playing

this is why. citizens united can be traced back to every single liberal defeat. repealing it is now a catch 22 and impossible without violent revolution. we lost in peacetime, and now all we have is that waiting period where things get so bad that we start seeing straight up riots and jackbooted fucking stormtroopers

fair points, and that reality could certainly come to pass. i’m wagering not, but if it happens, i’ll be perfectly pleased. i mean, i’m almost certainly gonna get suckered into buying one either way next year when Odyssey happens, so if the console succeeds, i’ll have a stake in that.

You may be right, but I think the WiiU set a precedent that runs counter. The Wii was a flash in the pan thanks to motion controls and wii sports, and I don’t think that can be reproduced. the Wii exploded by mining sub-casuals. people who don’t really game, but want to have a console around. people who thought the

1) the switch is a home console and dev costs to make a presentable switch game will substantially exceed that of the 3ds. from a dev perspective, i feel like it’s safe to assume that it’ll look way more like the wiiU than the 3DS. that means high dev costs in both time and money to make functional approved 3rd party

it’s almost like they’re trying to hide something. everything i’ve heard and read gives me the impression that beyond loading and playing discs is not gonna be ready for launch. like, if they’re still unsure about things like online play, the miiverse, VC... i mean, that’s a horrible sign. and if they’re just

there is an argument for people who wouldn’t have bought the product anyhow, or people who try it out, then ultimately buy the products that are worth money. effect matters more than cause here. no lives are at stake. just money. same or improved ends (able to both buy groceries AND watch episode of ‘good tv show’)

the switch is a $250 gaming laptop.

this is a console first and foremost. looking at breath of the wild trailers, you can tell. how are 3rd party devs going to react? i mean, they can make low-cost low-risk 3DS games for the switch. but if they go low-cost, the games will look like shit. ports... they were awful on the wiiU, and that’s not gonna change

how do they do that? 3DS games are gonna be wayyyyyyy cheaper to develop than switch. i wonder if they can survive on cheesed half assed 3rd party efforts. my guess is no, since 90% of the wii and wiiU failed hopelessly on that front.