
if they’re lucky, the switch becomes the new DS. as for 3rd party support, it’s tough. all cross plats will be better on other platforms without question, they’ll get 3rd party ports way too late for it to matter... if they want to make sure the price is right and go after the 3DS crowd, go for it. but 3DS games can

the constitution is too outdated to protect net neutrality. americans are *this* close to getting north korea’d by corporate interests instead of the hateful state

@tony bartel - stop talking about the customers you ignorant stooge. this is about corporate policy abusing, harassing, and threatening employees’ jobs. you bet i’d lie to customers if it was that or lose the minimum wage $600 check i need to pay rent in the slum i’d have to live in if i made such garbage wages.

after activating knightfall and finding out i was going to have to go hunting for villains by combing through a sandbox, i just smirked and quit. i adjusted and got used to the batmobile, even if i didn’t love those sequences. i didn’t get hung up. but an open world game that only periodically doles out waypoints

paul ryan might have said something, but actually there’s no proof that he did and he denies it.

the less complicated choice is, take a cab. they have some measure of worker safety initiatives, some measure of quality control, some measure of assurance that workers are at least being paid minimum wage.

that’s why i don’t play the souls series. i love atmosphere, art, and story and gameplay. what i don’t love is mind numbing repetition and developing muscle memory that’s largely applicable to one single game. i don’t like being punished by a game or having my wrist slapped. i’m not playing games to prove that i’m

cool. i wonder if dr. whom’s next incarnation will prove that he’s gotten over some latent racism, or if he’ll still be pasty and wrinkly?

ah, he’s got “cock” in his name too. that warms the... never mind, i’m in joke-labyrinth and i can’t get out

did you just brag about using accountants to avoid paying taxes? uhm. you’re part of the problem.


trump got elected on the strength of his claims that hillary clinton was breaking the law by using private email servers. he got elected by repeatedly saying she should be jailed for it.

most importantly, just do whatever you’re told. if you don’t want to do what you’re told, don’t call support. even if you’re a power user and already did a bunch of crap, techs working on your stuff have to ensure that these steps have been taken, and in many cases, log those steps.

this isn’t unique. this is the emergent political philosophy of contrarianism. people who vote out of spite. internet trolls. they don’t need to read, research, or have an actual opinion, because they listen to what hillary clinton and the dems say, they listen to climate scientists or whomever else they’ve classified

why? why should a rural vote count more than an urban one? to ensure regional interests are represented? in that case, you have the wrong branch of government in mind. that’s what the senate is for. the most votes in a region should ensure representation in line with those votes for a region.

i want politics in my art. even if i disagree with them. you don’t learn by exposing yourself to the exact same bullshit all the time.

so does someone need to post 10 or 20 of the 5 billion articles about clinton’s scandals, many of which were investigated and closed up? what reality do you live in?

what are you talking about? they have to change emergency contingencies because trump threw a tantrum. could have shut down all non-pertinent communications on twitter. but nope. blanket ban. because he’s a baby. all of your comments seem to be ignoring this essential reality.

roddy, seriously? is your implication that votes in cities should count for less than rural, less densely populated areas? get out of here with that overly simplistic nonsense.

“PWR parks that use Twitter as part of their crisis communications plans need to alter their contingency plans to accommodate this requirement.”