
it kinda is shitposting. it was a bad idea.

i’m sorry, but that’s fucking insane. retweeting criticism leads to

it’s easier to destroy than to create. that’s the problem. everything obama built will be rolled back inside of the first year. and then, the active wanton destruction of poor people, ethnic minorities and LGBTQ people, muslims, some insane alt-right pipedream wall that’s gonna have billions of dollars thrown at it,

no he didn’t. this isn’t even vaguely reminiscent of plagiarism. trump is a monster. i’m not defending him. but this is not plagiarism.

fantasy over sci fi - fair. for colours, the palette is definitely not the same, but i recall ME being vibrant and colourful in its own right, just like KOTOR was. it’s just a different kind of vibrant and colourful. DAI’s combat felt difficult to manipulate and frustrating to the point that i turned the difficulty

he wasn’t telling anyone what to do, he was calling attention to the fact that the voice acting for femshep is leagues better than male shepard. thus the mention of jennifer hale. it’d be tough to argue to be honest. male shep is playable, but like, if you could *listen* to cardboard, that’s what male shep’d sound like

if a guy was banned for wearing a hat, and wasn’t wearing a hat, that’s bad and should legitimately be addressed.

this reads like a biased factless screed with a clickbaity headline. gross. if you’re asking him to talk more about voter suppression, fine. maybe he should. maybe he should glue himself to the emerging scandal about russian influence over trump. maybe so, maybe not. or maybe he should be what he normally is - above

noise, distractions, noise, distractions. breath of the wild is still the only reason i’ll even look at the Switch, and if i buy it, that’ll be the reason. a launch zelda title might mean this generation gets 2, which would be a nice change after they baited and switched me with the wii u. you expect a nintendo

oooooh, a chance to re-buy a ~2 year old game that’s basically a remade touched up version of 9 games that came before it.

kotaku/kinja goes to all of this trouble to build a wall for comment approval and the above still gets through. huh.

trailers being advertisements, doesn’t this seem a bit... silly? shady even? it’s like a car advertisement for a ford focus showing a bmw zx3 zipping around on a track. I think it’s dishonest at best.

i played through most of the games using pistols and i was honestly okay with the shooting mechanics, though the game (1-4, and both tomb raiders, and pretty nearly every third person shooter with cover mechanics) often does this thing where the AI is too clumsy to properly sneak around you, so they just sit 8 miles

they’re pretty fun. if you can, i recommend trying to avoid falling victim to rushing-through-a-game-to-get-to-the-sequel-and-not-enjoying-it-as-much-as-you-might-have-otherwise syndrome.

it’d be a shame if any presidents or president elects were to dictate using a platform that has routinely seen political figures and corporate entities get hacked like this. be a huge crying shame in fact. a dangerous, horrifying shame.

it’s bad in the macro. if consumers start dropping more and more dime on games before the quality of a game can be demonstrated, then studios have less incentive to produce quality games, and more incentive to release half finished games and then, if it’s warranted, go nuts with patches over time.

it’s bad in the macro. if consumers start dropping more and more dime on games before the quality of a game can be

kotaku: pre-orders are bad. (which they very clearly are)

kotaku: pre-orders are bad. (which they very clearly are)

So, you’ve conveniently injected rape and murder into this, which wasn’t the starting point. we were talking about punishment for theft. if somebody stormed in and was in a position to do immediate harm to my family, i’d probably shoot too. if, however, they grabbed some of my shit and ran away, that’s a different

nobody does deserve physical harm. it has 0 positive outcome. and no, you don’t get to decide that property is worth more than a human life. there’s no philosophy that can logically back that up. if you think someone walking out of your house with a playstation and a bag of jewelry is worth killing that person over,

iOS only, huh? in that case, nope.