
you mean someone who values things over human life and cares not for empathy or circumstance?

oh, the last guardian stumbles on the ps4? got it. my next gaming hardware purchase will be a PC. I got lured back into console gaming for the PS4 mostly for Uncharted, but if they’re pushing the standard PS4 beyond its limitations in favour of the Pro, I’m done. Console gaming just lost its price advantage over PCs,

i would’ve guessed there was a fighter jet on the mobile he made chris christie hang above his bed on the roof of trump tower

so, he tricked people into pushing him up over 50mil. shrug. i don’t get it. it isn’t particularly funny or useful. it’s just a thing that happened. Rich Guy Does Wacky Thing. that’s it. is there a better explanation? am i missing out on a take, or some clever satire?

hey narrow minded guy. not every game releases demos. also not everyone can afford all the games they want to play. if you can’t afford doom and you pirate it, it’s win-win. maybe you even buy it when you have money. or maybe you buy doom 2.

no. fuck fitbit for buying out a company and refusing to take on its liabilities and be responsible for them.

trump not releasing tax returns and refusing to put his assets in a blind trust, alongside the fact that there’s traceable evidence that russia interfered with the election process by creating and propagating fake news that dominated the cycle...

you can test without denuvo’s source code, and people did. they were able to test whether or not denuvo was writing piles of memory to HDDs and impacting SSDs, and denuvo wasn’t. regarding general performance issues, i wouldn’t be shocked if someone came up with means to test that as well, but i haven’t seen it. lords

stein voters wouldn’t have handed hillary the election. it’s disingenuous to assume that. complaining about a third party candidate is a good way to make yourself look foolish.

The only info I can find on it now are that there was a reddit post around the time DA: Inquisition came out about how it ruined SSDs and hogged resources. Nobody’s been able to prove either claim. Given how widespread the rumor was, I’m 100% sure that if there was proof, it would’ve emerged. I think it’s safe to say

i don’t have a source right now since i’m busy, but i read that this was all fabricated and that lords of the fallen was a mess regardless of denuvo. same with DA: inquisition. i hate DRM, but i don’t think there’s a valid argument that Denuvo hogs resources or impacts performance. if i recall, that’s been debunked.

McCrory has no statistical possibility of winning and won’t concede.

nope. not okay. hard bans locking them out of access to already purchased games is awful. probably legal, since they went ahead and did it. but it’s awful.

bad checkpointing and no non-lethal stealth melee, huh? drone recon sounds like a chore. i might actually have to pass on this despite initial excitement. we’ll see what happens when it hits the bargain bin.

haven’t played morrowind all the way through, now i want to. thanks for the cool article.

texting my girlfriend right now to make sure this never happens. apologies for the circumstance, thanks for the heads-up. ahahaha :(


uber is facilitating rides. it’s their legal responsibility to ensure that customers can expect certain minimum standards (ie: no racism or sexism.)

try to imagine not “the end of the country” as in america is over full stop. try instead to imagine the end of what’s worth saving about america. trump could easily do that.

try licking a food. taste bad? lick the next food. if they all taste bad, you will have to probably find other foods to lick