
go download it quickly before they catch their mistake, then come back here and post some comments on relevant articles about how piracy is theft. quickly now!

mutually assured disappearance!

good points, interesting read. i still can’t bring myself to love Red Dead or any of the GTAs. the design is all pretty great, but the main characters almost always seem to feel awkward, overly loud, and constrained to current-day morality accompanied with period-actions. like, marston kills a bunch of people while i

argument’s been made above. everyone is underpaid. i won’t begrudge VAs for asking for their share same as i wouldn’t begrudge programmers (who you’re right, probably have a far better case to make for higher pay)

I’m with you. But I feel like it has to start somewhere. Which makes it worth it to fight for it across the board, even if coffee shop employees will always be the last to see the benefits. I do tech support. I will also never see the dollar value i create at my job get passed on to me. poverty wages hooray

you’re making a mightily specious argument that employers should be able to lie to employees regarding remuneration and the terms of their employment to protect their own interests.

ahahah, yeah... yeah :(

*shrug* Greg The Mad is right. for more intense gamers, buying nintendo hardware is becoming a chore. guess what does the exact same thing as the Switch? a tablet with a bluetooth/miniUSB controller and HDMI output. it actually does more because depending on your usage habits, DRM will be less of a problem and you’ll

it’s a meta game that creates a new game altogether. your analogy is flawed because it assumes there’s cheating happening, which there isn’t. all runners competing for WRs have the same limitations. the limitation = the game’s code. it’s more comparable to a race through a maze than cheating in a structured existing

ahahaha, exactly. i’m keeling over right now

this is my complaint too. outside of nice-tv-support in the 4K realm, it doesn’t offer much, and it will inevitably lead to games that push the limits which will result in low framerates on the normal ps4. $400 for my PS4 in round 1. now they want another $400. that’s about what a low-mid gaming rig costs. huh.

if you spend $1000 on a PC, you’re upgrade proof for at least a couple years. that’s about how long it took sony and MS to throw a “mid gen upgrade” which is about 2-3 times as expensive as the video card upgrade you’d need for a PC after 2ish years to keep pace. my ps4 cost me $400. i’m not gonna bother checking, but

  • A Pro owner who merely has a current-standard 1080p TV may also see marginal improvements to games that are programmed to use the more powerful console’s power for non-4K/HDR effects. According to developers working on games for the Pro, these gamers may see the game they’re playing running at a more stable framerate

arcanum was an absolute masterpiece. fallout 2, icewind dale isometric gameplay, but the story and the atmosphere (magic clashing with steam power and technology like pistols in a setting that looks something like the 1700-1800s) were incredible

it was a *good* game. brilliant? eh. the infinite copypaste playable characters absolutely ruin the game for me. i felt disconnected from 90% of them, and some were so weak as to be completely useless.

yeah. exactly. if people are willing to put in a collaborative effort to create a superior product at no cost, then maybe your markup is too high and/or your bar for quality too low. arguing about nintendo having created pokemon puts you in the position of having to argue about numbers floating around and how abusive

the only games that mattered to me were the danganronpas, which are now available on PC. i don’t think i’d have spent $100 + CDN exchange + shipping on a Vita for those games alone anyhow. i certainly wouldn’t spend more than that.

the only games that mattered to me were the danganronpas, which are now available on PC. i don’t think i’d have