
Obama 2019

both are per capita

oh please oh please can we do the Cardinal season recap like last year.

Your damn right we did.

I don’t think black people need to do better. I think we are doing some very good things. But we cant stoop to their level of hate and bigotry. We can’t win a hate fight. That will never end. Christians and Muslims have fought that battle for close to 1500 years and don’t have shit to show for it other than a whole

Diversity is not killing comics.

I would support this. But we also need clear rules of conduct that officers are expected to adhere to. A big problem with the police is that they are not held to a higher standard of conduct. They do horrible shit and get away with it.

You just did to me what men have done to women for years. What whites have done to blacks for years. I offered a possible way to fix things and instead of a debate on how to get things going you have told me to be quite.

Ok so you don’t like my solution. I have no issue with that but whats your solution?

So whats your answer? You don’t think mine will work. Offer your solution.

It’s not just about tourist though. Good people live and work in these same neighborhoods. Hell I lived in a number of “bad” neighborhoods while growing up. It should not be about what neighborhoods are safe to go to because they should all be safe to go to.

Very true. Some of them wont change. They will go out kicking and screaming. But the change is coming. It can’t be stopped.

Cant speak for the other cities but a huge amount of Chicago’s violence is gang and drug related. If you are not involved in one or both of those two things, your chances of being shot in Chicago very low. That does not mean it can’t happen but I would bet the percentage of non drug and non gang members shoot in

Not at all. I’m not saying to let them off the hook. They will be made to answer for their crimes. But blind rage wont bring the justice we seek.

Why are you judging the entire FBI as a whole? Is that not what we get so angry about when it is done to us. One black person does something and all black people are blamed for it. You can’t get angry when something is done to you then turn around and do the same to someone else and expect to be taken seriously.

I understand the anger but we must be better. We can’t go down to their level.

agreed. They have allot to answer for and we should hold them accountable for those things. But calling them out for praising MLK is not going to solve those issues.

Seriously these are some of the highest speeds you can get.

Seriously these are some of the highest speeds you can get.