
@Deadsider: but I wouldn't complain if we saw her dodongos.

@LucasTizma: ....A Link to the Past isn't really #3. Sure it's the 3rd game to come out, but only Zelda 2 on the NES is a direct sequel.

@RagingAvatar: It's a lot easier to code something to work with things backward than forward. So I'm sure they can, but you might have to pay a fee? No idea for sure, PS4 isn't even announced and won't be along for YEARS.

Am I the only one who thought of this when I saw the picture?

@RagingAvatar: Uh, it's still backwards compatibility because the PS4 has to be able to recognize PS3 codes and files. Forward compatibility would be if DLC for Rock Band X on PS4 works on Rock Band 3 on PS3, which is usually never the case with things like this.

So, I totally, sort of, called this:

So if this is the new system that MTV is debuting that Kotaku mentioned, I was almost right! lol

OnLive was released? What happened to the device that was supposed to come out? I'm quite confused.

@someone_else: I'd be surprised if more than 10% of Kotaku readers didn't know what Game & Watch was.

@DarkC: Pfft, more like 3DtwO. It'll retail for $1500.

@Zom-B: ... really? No interest in anything else? Disc golf is already available with WSR, but here is looks and feels a lot better. How come no interest in table tennis, or gladiator duel? Hell even Boccie Ball is fun.

@SKiTz: Who the hell says "dolfin"?

@Ueziel: The lag is there but you really don't notice it as bad as videos make it out to be.

Now playing

@PNasty21: So much better. Even with Motion+ the wii suffers from waggle-fest games. I think this video speaks for itself.

I am getting super excited for RB3. My girlfriend used to play the piano so shes SOOO pumped to be able to play her instrument in rock band (and probably better than most of our friends). It's just too bad that we have to shell out an extra $10. No its not a lot, but it's the principle behind it all. Either way I'm

Edit: double post, sorry.

@ColinStein: 1 Guitar, 1 Bass, 1 Drum, 1 Keyboard, 3 singers.

@Veritas7Ax: It's $130 for the keyboard & game. But now PS3 users like myself will have to shell out an extra $10 to get the keyboard and game separate.

@SlashZaku: Exactly, and the 360 has gotten all sorts of things for RB that the PS3 doesn't. (RBN, Stage Kit, bass guitar, etc). I do have a feeling MS had some say in this. There would be no reason for the bundles to be out there for months, then, all of a sudden in NA only (the only market that the 360 HAS), the