
“saying that concept has created an unspoken skepticism of nonwhite candidates among Democratic voters.”

It was Barry Petchesky at Deadspin. “Nobody” IS accurate for Kotaku.

Most of it is basically that they try to push their own “SJW” agenda and complain when games don’t adhere to it. While I will fully admit that they do go too far sometimes (the whole “Spider-Cop” bruhaha being one example), the haters tend to exaggerate things to an extreme. There’s also the typical “Kotaku posts

Why am I continually seeing people spam that wildly incorrect report from a nobody website? Nobody has been fired, we’re all still here doin’ our thing. Like these posts, which you’re commenting under right now.

Lol is this for real? They canned Jason? Dude is legit the best games journalist I have seen. That was fucking stupid.

That story is full of very, very inaccurate speculation when it comes to jobs. There’s bad shit going down at Deadspin, the concern is if there will be bleedover to Kotaku, but ...


How do you feel about your colleagues getting fired for speaking out and addressing viewer concerns?

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

Maybe they would have been more aggressive with a better QB.

Remember your Deadspin technology takes.

I just don’t understand the purpose of half of the things posted lately.

Complaining that the cameras caught it? Seriously? Are we upset when the cameras catch whether they drag their feet for a catch, or whether a fumble occurs before being down? Darn technology

He would financially incentivize marijuana businesses to be nonprofits; prohibit products and labels that target young people; ban tobacco companies, as well as other companies that make cancer-causing products or are “guilty of deceptive marketing,” from the pot industry; set market share and franchise caps; and

My biggest complaint (besides missions not working right when in coop if someone else did it), is the stupid level system shoe-horned into the game.

Juding by the number of “lone ghosts” in the game’s social space now vs. the number that were in it during the beta, yeah.

waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?

Whoever rode a V4 and decided it needed to lose the fairing, on the other hand, should get promoted.

I’m feeling like you’re pushing a narrative that you can’t actually support, in that headline.

Well this was a waste of time.