
Shifts! Shifts! Shifts! It works for Goldie Hawn during WWII. And this is the Resistance, you know....

I stand by your comment. Honestly, what is there left to do? The maniacs and Holnists are in charge. If nothing changed after Sandy Hook, I do not think jokes about Betsy DeVos are going to change anything one way or another.

Thank you. He’s adorable, and well worth the suffering and stuff.

God! The description he gives of his concussion in 2013 sounds very similar to what I went through when I was almost killed in a high-impact sporting accident. Once the brain swelling began, I had very little idea where I was or even who I was. I would have these bizarre waking dreams that, since I was wearing a

So true!

Oh, no, it’s not insensitive, not at all. It just turns out to be inaccurate! Here’s a brief explanation, since Master Poodler is almost 10 now, and the trauma has mostly faded (ha, ha.)

We are all living in Trump years now — they are slightly less accelerated than dog years — I judge that they are running about 6 to 1, Trump years vs. regular years. There’s a reason it feels like it’s been 8 and 1/2 months, not 81 days.

He’s a lying liar who lies.

I sent more money to Osoff, whom I think should be rewarded, not excoriated, for dressing up like Han Solo and pulling it off!

This is excellent. Thank you!

Politician taking advantage of Americans’ innumeracy is old hat, though always disturbing; this kind of lying with statistics should be a crime....

Thanks for the Wonkette link. I had heard about it, but never visited before. I am very impressed and am bookmarking it. Thank you most sincerely!

I particularly liked the “anyone can grow up to be president” one!

Oh, please don’t remind me about the NEA. I’m gonna have a rage stroke, and I’ve already survived 81 days....

That would be a tough one for me, but I’d take one for the team....

Oh, of course. and criticizing people’s analogies is a kind of low form of internet commentary, I guess. I was astounded the first time I experienced it, though, because I had been told so many times in my life that you “can’t be half-pregnant.” But it turns out that if you are 37 years old, and at a world-renowned

It does make sense, though. I think I mostly liked the image, sort of like “RED” for flight attendants!

I was looking for the right terminology, and you found it for me! Yay!

Seconded. If Tsarnaev had received life in prison, I’d be sleeping more soundly tonight. Those Chechens are maniacs, and they have been committing hate crimes since before I was a twinkle in my mother’s eye.

Oh, sadly, you can be half-pregnant. It just doesn’t happen to teenagers, who are the demographic to hear this trope the most often. But it doesn’t happen a lot.