
He should prove it by being on the first flight to Mars. Set up your house first, Elon, and I’ll be there for the next trip to be your personal slave.

Lol NONE of this is happening.

The fact that you wrote so many paragraphs trying to rationalize how it could possibly maybe kinda sorta work is its own form of lunacy.

It won’t happen. FFS, Teslas won’t even be “fully self driving” by 2050, let along this monkey-brained idea of Martian colonization. The least surprising thing would be for him to

That’s not nuance. That’s shilling and making bad faith arguments. 

Chess game. In 4D, right?

He ran out of crypto to sell and destroyed that market trying to get to the $44 billion mark.

Seems to be a big ignored part of that story, doesn’t it?

You’d think some tech blogger would put together a timeline, but that would probably take more than the 15 minutes the overlords give them on any given story.

Is it a coincidence that crypto is in a freefall of sell-offs ever since he announced this Twitter deal, looking under every seat cushion (or autocratic nation’s “sovereign fund”) for another billion to throw at it?

Sissy Spacek owns that role from start to finish. I can’t read the book without seeing her; it was an “old movie” when I got into King in the late 80's, so I read the book before I ever watched it. It has to be incredibly intimidating to any actress taking on that role, knowing that Sissy Spacek is so perfect playing C

Reading it as a teen, I loved the epic stuff at the end and watching the world burn at the start. These days, the “ad hoc committee” stuff when they rebuild Denver is much more interesting. -+

It’s incredibly annoying. If he couldn’t figure out how to do it, he should’ve let them go a long time ago. Especially now, as Kevin Feige swipes the whole premise of the book - America Chavez all but called the MCU variants Twinners for gods sake - and the whole multiverse thing is extremely popular.

Apparently the

Shove a rolled up tshirt in the pipe. Should do it.

“‘Virtue signaling’ is a phrase the dim and bigoted use when they want to discount other people expressing the idea that it would be nice if we could all be essentially and fundamentally decent to each other.” — John Scalzi

So you just hate working people. Cool.

That’s exactly what you’re doing though. That is exactly what that tweet picture is doing. You’re assuming he is correct and scolding Jalopnik for doing the exact same thing.

Hypocrisy, thy name is V10omous.

Oh, well, now that all those experts in “cyberland” have given their opinion, I guess y’all can eat a bag of dicks.

Hey, I can talk out of my ass about shit I know nothing about, too!

I mean, obviously you hate Alec Baldwin (can’t understand why, but i’m sure you have your bigly reasons) so let’s extend that kind of irrational hatred that YOU have, to the armorer who shouldn’t have had a live piece of ammunition on that set at all.

Enjoy your diabetes and being a burden on your family

Jesus I can’t wait until the last boomer is dead.

In the book, it kind of is. Obviously not a drunk, but he tends to piss people off and he’s certainly surly af