Black Hermione


Sorry, this is not directly relevant, but : Ooooh, pretty new layout! Such responsive! Very internet 2016.

On the bright side his awfulness is inspiring people who oppose him and all he stands for to mobilize and get active in politics, so there’s hope in that :) at least that’s what I keep telling myself...

Wow. What if Trump is the catalyst to actual......... good? Like, what if our hatred for him unites us like in the movie Independence Day (the first one, with Will Smith)? That..... that would be an incredible twist on history.

Wimmigrants? Sorry.

Oh I didn’t even know about this. Wonderful!

God I love him.

And - and! - then he gave a speech at the United State of Women Summit where he called himself a feminist, quoted Shirley Chisholm and talked about the insane double standard women and girls of color face on regard to assertion, being called “angry”, etc!! And slut shaming was in there too! Senior Year Obama has HAD

Somehow, this gif hurt the most. :-(

half-fermented bezoar

POTUS ended his speech with “praise for the spirit we [as Americans] see in Orlando.”


Ok but Bowie Juniper? I’m sure he’s a little cutie, but I just can’t get on board with that one.

Don’t do drugs, kids. Also, put spaces in between the words in your name.

You know, you could just not click on articles that cover topics you don’t like. It’s so easy and you save yourself some time and wasted anger energy. And I don’t know about Clover but I’m totes better than Squiggy Azalea.