Burnie Parent

Your rape apologizing is exactly why ALL of this happens. Society brushes sexual assault victims aside because it’s inconvenient.

You’re an asshole, though.

Stupid, Groping Dude: “I know! I’ll shame her by giving her a coin with a famous woman on it! Derp, derp.”

I’m so happy for Corey. To me, he’s like the Rose McGowan of the boy set. He kept crying out, and no one was listening.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

My fancy pie skills are in no way close to these, but I don’t think my herringbone pie looks like complete garbage.

Ok so I saw the Skeet Ulrich mention and while I don’t actually have a whole lot of feelings about him (mainly I just really enjoyed Jericho and think that show should have run longer!) I did have a ‘oh no he, too?’ moment until I clicked the link.

Pictured: the bar stool next to Bruce tomorrow at 3:05pm


Poor Bruce...so much for enjoying his glass of wine in peace, thanks Page Six.

And to think, I’ve gotten through almost 40 years of life without pinching a woman’s ass a single time.

It drives me NUTS to see people who’ve never had a financial or other catastrophic setback in their lives (looking at you, libertarians) and just assuming their luck was because they’re so awesome and Ubermensch-y and shit. Not because of hundreds of disasters, and thousands of unsung heroes who insisted those

This is actually the thing that offends me most. That the people and their contribution that he was SUPPOSED to be honoring weren’t apparently important enough for him to restrain himself from some tired political point-scoring for all of thirty minutes. That’s how special you are to him, guys.

Dude, the fact that there is not a designated staffer with the sole task of faking a heart attack every time the President starts his remarks with “I’m not going to read the prepared speech” is just a failure of leadership at this point.

It’s called “Whataboutism” and it’s a much used deflection tool in this administration.

In today’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended the president’s comments, arguing that “Pocahontas” is not a racial slur and that the president’s comments were not disrespectful to the men being honored. “Why did he feel the need to say something offensive to many people?” one reporter

First, it would mean admitting something is wrong, which everyone in this shit-show is loath to do.

Seriously! I don’t particularly love the monarchy but it’s nice to see two people, who are clearly in love, overcome prejudice and decide to spend their lives together.