
sooooooo, we don’t get to hear his answer to that?

This is only slightly more original than typing “FIRST!”

what a piece of shit

My favorite stories about MLK are the ones where he beats the shit out of his wife a bunch...

Couldn’t the same case be made for the other way around? Why do people get so mad when others say “All Lives Matter”?

Yep. Draper seems to have some really thin skin on this.

Kevin Draper seems to be taking this way more personal than Kevin Durant

Ugh. You tried way too hard to be funny.

Why are you asking yourself?

Carrie dished out a lot more slaps than she took... just sayin

Jesus your life sucks

Were you one of the Sex and the City fans...

The freelancing of Jaworski and Polian isn’t an earth-shattering scandal

so Durant says that the media nitpicks against him and the Thunder, and your response to criticize him is to nitpick against his comments? Got it.

there’s a lot of things we wish you had written

Dwyane Wade calling out someone for babying an injury is rich... that dude’s been walking with a fake limp for a decade now

I prefer to think that idiot committed suicide using Tony Stewart’s car

celebrity or not, don’t be a dick to people... fuck this heckler. People get so much courage thinking that they can’t get their ass kicked cause someone is famous.

Everyone knew that Scott wasn’t All-Star material...

well somebody likes themselves a bit much don’t they?