
in places like Target, there are so many employees and departments that really only the department heads know who is in THEIR department. They don’t care about anyone else. You could roll around Target for 3-4 hours easily in a uniform.

1. Oranges. Oranges are delicious, especially when they’re easy to peel (never) and seedless (again, never). But I could give half a shit about orange soda, orange Jell-O, orange Starbursts, or any of that shit. All that goes right in to the canned-food-drive box.


He also threw a pretty ugly interception... as long as we’re being objective, right?

Gee, thanks for that amazing analysis Mr. Simms

“That’s good advice in general when rumors of exciting breakthroughs begin circulating. But in this case...”

Your kid is 4... The entire life is still basically in a phase. Go fuck yourself. You’re a disgusting parent. Your kid doesn’t know shit about what they are/want to be, and neither do you.

lol what?!


Agreed there is no endorsement in there anywhere



there was still time left on the clock... I hate it, but you can’t overturn the game decision.

I don’t agree with this at all. That’s an ugly can of worms you open up just so some internet commenters can feel good. Should every team that benefits from a bad call at or very near the end of the game forfeit? No.

I love the “but I’m voting for Hillary, not Bill” rape apologists... yeah, you, the ones who would rake someone on the other side of the fence over the coals for the exact scenario.

which HE will undoubtedly have a hand in as well...

He’s a former two-term President and will be back in the White House. You think he won’t have any say or influence on policy issues or meetings? REALLY? lol c’mon.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh... whole web site of women want to hate a man here. There is no room for this kind of obvious observation.

He’s just kind of a dick in ways like this basically all the time, if you follow this kind of gossip at all.

He has a penis