Apparently the wonderlic has a photoshop section now.
Apparently the wonderlic has a photoshop section now.
This poster is the definition of Poe’s law.
The sheer amount of cheezy bullshit in that poster is incredible. Its hard for me to imagine someone so earnest being so racist.
They did a whole episode about dee dating a retarded guy. Who did you think it was about?
Mess with the best, Dine like the rest.
Well, the cajun navy is a bit like fight club for first responders. You really shouldn’t be helping them in a legal sense, but as long as nobody really talks about it, we work together.
Chachere’s might be cajun, but its all about Paul Prudhomme’s magic for the Creole.
As other comments have pointed out, there is a recent video of mattis saying just that to a small group of soldiers in afghanistan.
Yeah, this. I was shocked to hear what mattis had to say, even though I agree. Given his history, however, I guess its not that far from the norm. When I was a grunt and mattis was leading centcom, there was less of a focus on procedure than before he was in charge.
The video was of mattis talking to a group of soldiers in Afghanistan, and he specifically praised the diversity of the military, and asked them to “hold the line” until this country fixed is political issues. Unsurprisingly, the troops were very happy to hear this.
Hes still gonna get twitter flamed. Then we can watch the amazing mental gymnastics as trump supporters go from “Our maddog” to “An actual globalist and popular imam”
I’m done arguing with you- I have to argue with dipshits exactly like you every day at work.
And yet again, more sidesteps. You run from the point like mayweather. Don’t give me shit about “perfect democracy.” The citizens of this nation won’t even convict a cop when they murder someone. Civilians will not deny them equipment.
Except they don’t. In many small towns, the sheriff is a more powerful figure than the mayor. There is an easy fix here- allocate surplus gear based on need, not who clicks the button fastest, because it isn’t a fucking handbag, it is designed to kill people. Also, the ebay reference is incorrect. The entity that…
Anyone who thinks that they will win is in nether-netherland.
The facts and your poor grasp of them are what I am concerned about.