
“Having Ray *choose* to be a Skywalker as a final honor to their legacy was very powerful.”

Sure, that explains their basic existence. But why are so many stories in the SW universe set around desert planets? Based off of sheer numbers, there are VASTLY more habitable and life sustaining planets with temperate, moderate climates more suitable to life than there are desert planets. So why does the story keep

All the more reason why she would never have wanted Rey to lay her lightsaber there to rest permanently. 

They typically do. I’ve been on planes with empty seats and been told that I could just go ahead and pay the difference to move into the better seat. I’ve done it on a few especially long flights if the difference isn’t all that much. Definitely doesn’t hurt to ask the flight attendant if you notice a seat you want to

What an obnoxious person you seem to be.

Completely disagree. I was recently upgraded to a $5,000 first class ticket for a flight from Atlanta to Buenos Aires. The entire time I was thinking “this IS nicer, but anyone who pays full price for this is an idiot.” I would pay MAYBE an extra $750 bucks or so for an international first class seat, but otherwise

“We, the customer, have signalled lout and clear with our wallets that we would prefer to pay as little as possible for a flight and will give up almost any amenity for it regardless of what we bitch about and vocally claim to the contrary.”

Exactly. I was pretty shocked to even see the headline. Might as well explain to folks why they can’t just walk into the back of a Michelin Star restaurant as it’s about to close and take home all the premium cuts of steak they didn’t sell that night, or why you can’t just grab all the sale items at Saks Fifth Avenue

Way too frenetic. All the cuts every 1-2 seconds were making me dizzy and exhausted.

You posted this whole comment just so you could tell people you have an expensive watch, didn’t you?

And access to the Ring video surveillance equipment is contingent upon the owner permitting it. Not to mention that the “privacy” concern is that you’ll be videotaped walking in public. I assume you stay away from malls, public streets, banks, parks, stadiums, movie theaters, etc. etc. etc. if you’re actually worried

It’s an absolutely absurd complaint. It serves a legitimate public benefit purpose, and the police access to it is contingent upon the homeowner giving them permission to access it. Screaming and crying like a child about a permissive use of technology that is used to catch criminals seems like a ridiculous thing to

Thanks for the pleasant exchange!

I once said exactly the same benign and banal comment you just did at a work lunch (essentially “the 8 cups of water a day thing is just a myth that can be traced back to a single mistaken interpretation of advice from 100 years ago- we don’t need to be constantly chugging water to obtain adequate hydration throughout

“Someone is going to talk to you in some way shape or form 90% of the time. Deal with it.”

Iron Man 2 was shit because of the writer’s strike not the quick turnaround. 

I’ve honestly never seen anything close to the way this trilogy has been managed in any other property. Literally each follow up movie goes out of it’s way to not only dismiss the things the prior movie set up but to literally mock and insult the prior movie for the choices it made. It’s amazing to me to watch- it’s

100%. It seems like a ton of fans instinctively defend ROS because of how it undoes so much of TLJ, and they attack anyone who doesn’t like this movie as finally getting their comeuppance after TLJ. But a lot of us that didn’t like ROS also thought TLJ was utter nonsense that bent over backwards to surprise the

“There was absolutely no way in hell that even a near-perfect finale to almost a decade of character arcs, shocking twists, and dastardly political machinations (and the occasional dragon attack/bombed religious building/ice zombie invasion) could ever satisfy a vast majority of Game of Thrones fans.”