
Just watched Episode 1 the other night and liked it more than anticipated, but definitely had to throw on subtitles pretty much from the get-go. It was entirely indecipherable without them. 

That’s not the way that it’s been argued by the vast majority of people who praised TLJ though, but even if it were that kind of complaint is absurd. It’s like saying “the MiB movies are stupid. An entire alphabet of agents, and a universe of alien worlds, and we keep on getting stories about J and K.” Or take James

Especially when compared to some of the other ones on the list. Captain Marvel was a perfectly decent, if forgettable, action movie. It should have made precisely zero critics “best of the year” lists. Us is an interesting and well made horror movie with lots of silly aspects that fall apart upon reflection, and I am

I think you’ve misinterpreted what I was referring to. I wasn’t talking about what Luke says. You say “My understanding was that as the force existed in all life”. That’s literally what my point was. Fans of TLJ have praised that movie for “establishing” that claim- the Broom Boy at the end and Rey not being related

Yup. The explanation that’s been provided by JJ and Boyega makes that scene even sillier than I found it while watching the movie. “We’re about to die! She MUST know that I am Force sensitive before our deaths!” Ummm, why? And she’s Rey- apparently just about the strongest Force user in the galaxy. Wouldn’t she have

The overwhelming majority of force users in the main movies were not Skywalkers, so I honestly cannot understand where that notion came from. Obi-Wan, Qui-gon, Yoda, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, the whole Jedi Council, the hundreds (if not thousands) of Jedi we saw in the background in scenes of the Jedi temples, the

What the what? I loved me some baby Ant-Man, but in what nerd universe is that better than “on your left” or “And I...am...Iron Man...”? And how on earth do you lead with a vomiting cat from one of Marvel’s most mediocre entries instead of starting with Endgame?

Not sure how it makes sense? It’s because the company’s publicly stated goals are literally designed to drive the public’s interest and temper expectations. They’re not released to be perfectly accurate. Disney setting a low bar is designed to give them a positive talking point when it beats that goal. I guarantee you

This is a silly comparison, and you should know better. Disney’s prediction is the furthest thing from an objective analysis imaginable. They saw that the movie wasn’t going to do as well as the others so it’s literally in their interest to come out with a lowball expectation to temper responses. If it overperforms

This is my kind of internet back-and-forth :). We can both agree on the underlying facts of what happened, but our subjective experiences can be totally different. I’m genuinely happy that you enjoyed it so much- I never want to go into a movie not liking something, so the happier something makes people the better.

I’ll never understand that argument in response to criticisms of the sequel trilogy. I agree- the OT had flaws (I never said that it didn’t). The existence of flaws elsewhere doesn’t excuse the flaws here, especially given just how egregious they were here. The difference was that the OT wasn’t set up to be a trilogy

I mean, I agree that the whole trilogy should have been much more daring and interesting and better done. But I don’t see why the 3rd act of a trilogy shouldn’t be allowed to make interesting choices just because acts one and two chose not to. 

I’m not saying that every movie needs to be perfectly interconnected over 40 years. But this last trilogy was all planned at a single time, and the first one came out four years ago. Saying there’s no way to have THESE three movies make sense as one coherent story when they very easily could have been is simply false.

What wasn’t believable? The prequels have huge flaws, but the broad strokes of Anakin’s transformation make sense. It showed how he responded with murderous anger when his mother is killed, how he has visions of Padme dying, how he will do anything to prevent that happening, and how he believed that Palpatine was the

Considering that Endgame JUST came out this year, I don’t think it was so entirely impossible for the end of a franchise to actually close out brilliantly. It just would’ve taken some time and a creative team that actually cared about making a good movie as opposed to just a pretty one full of reddit fan scene

Rey having to deal with having accidentally killed one of the fan’s favorite characters would have opened doors to some really great storytelling opportunities. I was excited about it when it happened and hoped that it would mean that what had been a middling, lazy, hackneyed movie up until that point might finally

Like when JJ had Luke say that he was wrong to have hid away on an island cut off from the Force. So much of this movie was a literal middle finger to TLJ, just like so much of TLJ was a middle finger to TFA. Just an awful, awful way to design three interconnected movies that are supposedly telling one coherent story. 

“As opposed to Johnsons murder of established characters”

Your comment should be pasted at the top of every discussion of SW online. I couldn’t believe the praise TLJ got for saying “anyone can be a Force user!” OF COURSE ANYONE CAN! The other movies have had TONS of Force users not named Skywalker. It’s so crazy. It would be like praising a historian for pointing out that

Whoa whoa whoa, I completely disagree. Some of the people in my theater groaned loudly when they kissed. It wasn’t JUST laughter.