
I didn’t really read a lot about Rogue One in advance, though obviously what the plot was (and in a way how it was going to end) wasn’t so much a mystery anyway. But I do laugh more along these lines about how much people want to break down every single detail of a film’s trailer... I mean, frame by frame breakdown of

and again, if that scratched an itch, it’s a disease-ridden itch.

from Rob:

It’s on first!

Hope. Hope floats.

lol. It’s a really shitty crawl.

“jarring”? lol stop.

I don’t know about you, but when I was watching Rogue One I found it incredibly disconcerting to be watching a Star Wars film that didn’t include John Williams’ triumphant opening theme of the traditional opening crawl.

first thing that stood out to me haha

definitely convinced the people behind animated movies these days had horrible parents. Their only goal now seems to be making movies that will eventually drive a parent to commit suicide.

I opened this just expecting to see a link to Patrick Redford’s profile

yeah, because no one will die in 2017 and everything else will happen just as you want it to.

umm, 70 is a pretty full life

I mean... it’s a poster tho

This reminds me of the time Jason Alexander said he didn’t know who George Steinbrenner was, even after they had done all the episodes where George worked for the Yankees.

except for that scene where he walks out to life the lever to turn the power on so the plans can be broadcast out... Storm Troopers up until that point in the fight had some pretty awesome aim. All of a sudden none of them can hit the blind man walking a slow, straight line at them. So while he may not have USED The

“people like us”

you’re the first person I’ve come across that likes that show

there were no charges at the time

but I don’t believe it’s flawless