
this is why I avoid things that get in the way such as having a family

But even if 100 percent of baseball players were fine with wearing tutus as a hilarious commentary on how not feminine they are, it would still be sexist as an institutional practice.

The video depicts a female shoving and slapping the male in the chest numerous times and placing her hands near the neck of the male on at least two occasions. After being struck by female, the male forcefully shoves her away from him causing the female to fall backwards up the ascending stairs behind her.

every time I post something like this on a post where we don’t have many details, I get torn apart here. So I’ll just refrain from judgments until I see facts come out... and other people can do that pitchfork bullshit they always want to do.

so begin the game at 2 or 3 am London time?

the coaching staff has only like 2.5-3 days at most to watch tape, develop and implement game plans

when I was 7, my cousin and I would call the WWF’s offices and ask for certain wrestlers... I feel like that was more mature than when you guys do this shit.

something ironic about a writer who no one seems to want, and Gawker couldn’t really get rid of, writing a post about something you don’t need

I think Hamilton Nolan should have to go tell Perez personally that he thinks he’s wrong to feel this way and this is a way better system for foreign players.

They energize things. You’re welcome.

The purpose of this policy is not to prohibit all traditions regarding rookies or players, but rather to prohibit conduct that may cause players physical anguish or harm, may be offensive to some players, club staff or fans, or are distracting to the operation of the club or MLB.

probation that exists because of freakin sexual hazing too! The lack of self-awareness is ridiculous.

The band has plenty of problems of their own, and their suspension may well have been warranted.


I’d shoot someone too if they didn’t row the boat

-Catholic Priests

had no idea Pacman was a soccer fan

Robert Griffin III is healthy and ready to play, and just in time

fuck off Beckham

that mug shot isn’t going to help him out in the court of public opinion either